Over the course of the summer holiday Shaun finds fresh male role models in the local skinhead scene who take him in. With his new friends, Shaun discovers a wo...
Over the course of the summer holiday Shaun finds fresh male role models in the local skinhead scene who take him in. With his new friends, Shaun discovers a world of parties, first love and the joys of Dr Martin boots, the course is set for a rite of passage that will hurl Shaun from innocence to experience. Personally chosen by the film director Shane Meadows, the brilliant soundtrack includes hits from Dexy's Midnight Runners, The Specials and Soft Cell as well as Ska classics from Toots & The Maytals and The Upsetters. Also featured is dialogue clips from the film and a atmospheric score by contemporary composer Ludovico Einaudi. Universal. 2007.
The Essence Of Jazz Vocals, Pt. 2
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