
歌手:Allan Banford


发行公司: Evolved Records


Contemporary artist, author, producer, and multidisciplinary creator, dedicated to exploring the juxtaposition between technology and the realities of the past,...

Contemporary artist, author, producer, and multidisciplinary creator, dedicated to exploring the juxtaposition between technology and the realities of the past, present, and future.

Biography from his diverse portfolio. Banford’s creations serve as a prism through which to examine the intricate dance between humanity and the environment. His work delves into the profound impacts technology exerts on organic existence, while also envisioning pathways toward a more sustainable fusion of creativity and materialization, fostering a harmonious future.

Banford’s oeuvre is an invitation to immersive experiences that transcend temporal boundaries, instigating dialogues on the past, present, and future. Through his artworks, literary compositions, and productions, he orchestrates a symphony of perspectives, often juxtaposing organic and technological forms. As an artist, he channels his fervent commitment to preserve and stewardship of our shared future.



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