


发行公司: Independent


In the quiet corners

Of crowded rooms

I find the echoes of us

That still loom

Laughing in the twilight

Tears by the moon

Our melody plays out of tune

Why do we...

In the quiet corners

Of crowded rooms

I find the echoes of us

That still loom

Laughing in the twilight

Tears by the moon

Our melody plays out of tune

Why do we hide, where do we go

When the faces around don't know?

Strangers to the pain

Strangers to the bliss

People all around

But it's you I miss

Sifting through

The smiles and silent cries

Every face a mask

Every mask a disguise

Searching for a truth

In a sea of lies

Yearning for a look

That never denies

Can you hear the whispers

Can you feel the strain

Of carrying a love

That turns into pain?

Every stranger's

Eye holds a story untold

Of hearts that once warmed

But now grow cold

Why do we hide

Where do we go

When the faces around don't know?

Strangers to the pain

Strangers to the bliss

People all around

But it's you I miss

So I'll walk through the crowd

With a ghost by my side

Lost in the echoes of us

Where secrets reside

Maybe in the faces

The answer lies

In the people all around

Under the same skies



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  • Amped Studio
  • X StudioAI歌手
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