The following year, the band saw the addition of Lauri Porra (later in Sinergy and Stratovarius) and Janne's guitarist brother, Antti Wirman (from Kotipelto). I...
The following year, the band saw the addition of Lauri Porra (later in Sinergy and Stratovarius) and Janne's guitarist brother, Antti Wirman (from Kotipelto). In the Warmen Productions Studio (now called Beyond Abilities), this line-up recorded the album Beyond Abilities, a progressive metal album that received critical appraisal.[by whom?] With a more prominent and diverse use of vocals, this album made use of the talent of Timo Kotipelto (from Stratovarius), Pasi Nykänen (from Throne of Chaos) and returning vocalist Kimberly Goss.
Arranged By – Janne Warman
Bass – Lauri Porra
Composed By – A.Warman* (tracks: 1, 3), J.Warman* (tracks: 1 to 6, 8 to 11), L.Porra* (tracks: 5, 8, 9)
Drums – Mirka Rantanen
Engineer [Assistant] – Nino Laurenne
Guitar – Antti Warman (tracks: 1, 3, 4), Sami Virtanen (2) (tracks: 5, 11)
Illustration – Janne Pitkänen
Keyboards, Grand Piano – Janne Warman
Lead Guitar – Sami Virtanen (2) (tracks: 2, 6, 7, 9, 10)
Mastered By – Mika Jussila
Mixed By – Mikko Karmila
Photography By – Toni Härkönen
Producer – Janne Warman
Recorded By – J. Wirman* (tracks: 1 to 7, 9 to 11), Mikko Karmila (tracks: 8)
Recorded By [Sami's Guitars] – Sami Virtanen (2)
Rhythm Guitar – Antti Warman (tracks: 2, 6, 7, 9, 10)
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