LA based indie duo NEIL FRANCES (Jordan Feller and Marc Gilfry) release a new collaboration with PawPaw Rod "High." The collaboration leans into R&B funk and so...
LA based indie duo NEIL FRANCES (Jordan Feller and Marc Gilfry) release a new collaboration with PawPaw Rod "High." The collaboration leans into R&B funk and soul and the band is quickly becoming a festival act to see, serving up the slick groove and upbeat tempo that landed the duo previous opening slots with JUNGLE and Unknown Mortal Orchestra.
Of the collaboration Feller says,
“Describing someone as “Cool” is thrown around all willy nilly these days but Rod is the definition of the word. A friend of mine invited me to produce a session with him and we hit it off right away.
The first time all 3 of us were in a room including Marc we wrote High. I’ve always wanted to write a stoner anthem. It only took us one session to more or less finish the song which is pretty unique compared to the way we usually write.
Whenever we have sessions with other artists I like to have beats and ideas already written but this time I had nothing and I was kinda anxious. I was listening to a bunch of music that morning and made a mental note of some songs to sample. Marc wrote the foundation of the bass line which later turned into what we like to call a ‘mutant’ bass line with 2 other bassists contributing to it (LOL). From here Marc and Rod did their thing and it’s a wrap! ”
It's All a Bit Fuzzier (Deluxe)
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