James Taylor at Christmas

歌手:James Taylor


发行公司: 索尼音乐



◎当代传奇大师/製作人Dave Grusin倾力製作,12首耶诞经典包括与Natalie Cole合唱的Baby,It’s Cold Outside及与Chris Botti合作Winter Wonderland;并有全新翻唱Joni Mitchel...


◎当代传奇大师/製作人Dave Grusin倾力製作,12首耶诞经典包括与Natalie Cole合唱的Baby,It’s Cold Outside及与Chris Botti合作Winter Wonderland;并有全新翻唱Joni Mitchell旷世经典曲River

For the most part, holiday-themed albums are about as memorable as what you had for lunch a month ago. As humans continue to evolve, there's a very good chance that we'll develop some sort of yuletide audio bypass valve that will allow us to filter the three-and-a-half million versions of every Christmas song ever made into one solid rendition that either pleases or displeases us, and can be dealt with accordingly. That said, James Taylor's brilliantly titled James Taylor at Christmas is about as inoffensive a collection of seasonal classics as one could hope for. The legendary singer/songwriter's warm voice is the perfect vessel for "Winter Wonderland," "Jingle Bells," and the "Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)" because it makes absolutely no impression on the listener. 



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