Millions of Years Apart

歌手:恐龙的皮 The Dinosaur’s Skin


发行公司: 容合音乐娱乐有限公司


以暴龙与三角龙的头套形象走跳于独立音乐祭,身份引起众多讨论的神秘乐团「The Dinosaur’s Skin 恐龙的皮」,融合Bedroom Pop丶Indie rock丶Dream pop丶Synth pop丶lo-fi的曲风,初发行单曲〈All My Friends Are Dead〉就受KKBOX丶吹音乐丶黑卡杂...

以暴龙与三角龙的头套形象走跳于独立音乐祭,身份引起众多讨论的神秘乐团「The Dinosaur’s Skin 恐龙的皮」,融合Bedroom Pop丶Indie rock丶Dream pop丶Synth pop丶lo-fi的曲风,初发行单曲〈All My Friends Are Dead〉就受KKBOX丶吹音乐丶黑卡杂志等媒体撰文推荐,更在StreetVoice平台上获得编辑推荐丶Song of the Day并突破万次播放。

首张EP《Millions of Years Apart》曲风更加多元丶成熟,收录能量全开的独立摇滚〈Jurassic Ride〉丶踩着Lofi节奏的三拍子男女对唱〈Millions of Years Apart〉以及琅琅上口的好评单曲〈All My Friends Are Dead〉,戏谑的歌词说着恐龙们的故事,也说着所有人的故事。由Crispy脆乐团的主唱Skippy担任制作人,找来MANDARK丶Everydaze等活跃于独立圈的唱作人参与,并与来自世界各地的乐手合作,为一张横跨各种不同肤色丶性别丶甚至物种的作品。

EP同名主打〈Millions of Years Apart〉特别邀请来自甜约翰丶I Mean Us的女神主唱MANDARK合唱,与男主唱暴龙交织出丰富的和声,搭配三角龙精彩的钢琴独奏与鸣叫,唱出恐龙穿越百万年的凄美爱情故事。饱满丰厚的合成器声响丶歪斜梦幻的电吉他丶来自奈及利亚的厚实Bass,怀旧感十足的电子拍点,所有未能相遇的遗憾,都在一起成为化石后圆满。

“I love you, but we are millions of years apart.”


歌曲介绍(by 三角龙)

1.Jurassic Ride


2.Millions of Years Apart (feat. MANDARK)


3.All My Friends Are Dead



The Dinosaur’s Skin

Debut EP “Millions of Years Apart”

“The Dinosaur’s Skin” is a so-called Jurassic-Pop duo based somewhere in Pangea. Their music combines the smooth melodies of indie-Pop with dreamy Astroidgaze synth soundscape and feel good indie-rock beat. The band wear dinosaur masks in public and takes the character of two dinosaurs T-rex and Tri, with songs about their prehistoric ventures.

After releasing their debut single “All My Friends Are Dead”, they’ve been featured on various music media such as KKBOX, Blow Media and Hackazine, and were recommended on indie music platform StreetVoice.

Their debut EP “Millions of Years Apart” explores a wider variety of genres with songs ranging from upbeat head banger “Jurassic Ride” , lo-fi duet ballad “Millions of Years Apart” to indie-pop anthem “All My Friends Are Dead”. The often playful and ironic lyrics tell stories of dinosaurs, their undying love spanning millions of years, their freedom atop of soaring pterodactyls and their sorrow for lost friends.

The EP is produced by Skippy from the indie-pop band Crispy, and features musicians from all over the world including indie artists MANDARK and Everydaze. The lead single “Millions of Years Apart” is a duet between lead singer Trex and MANDARK from Sweet John and I Mean Us, with rich synth sounds and detuned chorus guitars on a lush lofi beat. The song tells the unfulfilled love tale of two dinosaurs that were from different eras of time, but their fossils were found together, entwined as if in an embrace.

Happy but sad, just like the faces beneath the dinosaur’s skin.

“I love you, but we are millions of years apart.”




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