Charles Bradley


 Charles Bradley简介

来自美国佛罗里达州 Gainesville 的 Charles Bradley 生于1948年,黑人骚灵/funk 歌手。他的音乐让人联想到James Brown、Otis Redding等六、七十年代 funk/soul/Motown风格。 Charles Bradley (born 1948, Gainesville, Florida), commonly referred to as "The Screaming Eagle of Soul," is a funk/soul/R&B singer signed to the Daptone Records label under the Dunham Records division. His performances and recording style are consistent with Daptone's revivalist approach, celebrating the feel of funk and soul music from the 1960s and 1970s. One review stated that Bradley "echoes the evocative delivery of Otis Redding". He is the subject of a documentary, Soul of America, that premiered at SXSW in 2012.





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