Didn't Need You (SOAK Remix)

歌手:St. South


发行公司: Nettwerk Music Group


St. South first heard SOAK in 2014; their song ‘B a noBody’ was scattered through most of their personal playlists and still is to this day. Over the years they...

St. South first heard SOAK in 2014; their song ‘B a noBody’ was scattered through most of their personal playlists and still is to this day. Over the years they became internet friends. Fast forward ten years and she's wracking their brain, trying to think of what kind of remixes I want for my upcoming EP. I automatically found myself reaching for house and edm producers - your classic remix recipe. St. South immediately thought of SOAK. From the brief feature of their own vocals, to the cinematic synths, to the outro sample of me playing piano and singing live which they sneakily ripped from my instagram. This remix is big and so beautiful.



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