Broken Glass, Vol. 9

歌手:Goodwerks / William Fitzsimmons / The Ballroom Thieves


发行公司: Nettwerk Music Group


"Broken Glass" will be the first compilation released under the Goodwerks banner, a new social impact endeavour for Nettwerk Music Group. Goodwerks is an imprin...

"Broken Glass" will be the first compilation released under the Goodwerks banner, a new social impact endeavour for Nettwerk Music Group. Goodwerks is an imprint aimed at nurturing the collective good through music – driving support and attention to causes that are close to the heart of our Nettwerk community (of artists and employees). Our first compilation, called "Broken Glass” (title inspired by artist and Women’s Rights Activists’ Annie Lennox’s iconic song), will be in support of Reproductive Rights.

"Broken Glass" is a compilation that brings together communities of Nettwerk artists of all genre and gender, covering songs from the 90s, originally performed by women. This project is Nettwerk's response to the socio-political environment that we now live in, surrounding women and their reproductive rights. It is a continuation of the cultural legacy begun with Nettwerk's founding of Lilith Fair in the 90s and launches a new mission that we intend to carry forward. "We can all play a part in making a dent of a difference" (Billboard Magazine). A portion of the proceeds will be going towards US based organization Keep Our Clinics, in support of independent abortion clinics.

Volume 9 features William Fitzsimmons covering Sarah McLachlan's "Building A Mystery" and The Ballroom Thieves covering Melissa Etheridge's "Come To My Window".



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