Then Silence

歌手:Kjartan Salvesen


发行公司: daWorks Records


After winning the Norwegian Idol with the most votes in Idol-history, selling 40.000 records, 50.000 singles, a number one single, and playing in front of 25.00...

After winning the Norwegian Idol with the most votes in Idol-history, selling 40.000 records, 50.000 singles, a number one single, and playing in front of 25.000 people, KJARTANs record-label said, "no, we don't want you to do YOUR music". Now, that flat out sucks!

But instead of feeling sorry for himself or dance with the stars, KJARTAN did what every artist should do: write some great songs! Now in 2007, KJARTAN is doing it his own way, and wants to share

After spending $99 on a guitar and amp at Walmart, he collaborated with songwriters Boots Ottestad (Robbie Williams, Tim McGraw) Edie Kuhnle (Thomas Dybdahl) and Nate Campany (The Click Five).

In Virginia, and later in New York, they created magic in the form of simple chords, meaningful lyrics and a tape recorder.

After recording the album in Brooklyn, Stavanger and Oslo, KJARTAN is back to tell his story. So lend your ear to these great songs, 'cause you've definately never heard this story before!




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