Wake up!!!(65)今天吃早餐了吗?

知识 Wake up!!! 第62期 2016-11-23 创建 播放:18432

介绍: Wake up!!!(65)今天,你早餐了吗?
Breaking news: Emergency junk food flown to earthquake town
The residents of a town cut off by last week's New Zealand earthquake have received a somewhat unusual but welcome air delivery – enough fast food to feed a small army. The mercy mission to the town of Kaikoura was o...

介绍: Wake up!!!(65)今天,你早餐了吗?
Breaking news: Emergency junk food flown to earthquake town
The residents of a town cut off by last week's New Zealand earthquake have received a somewhat unusual but welcome air delivery – enough fast food to feed a small army. The mercy mission to the town of Kaikoura was organized by a plasterer from the town of Nelson 130 kilometres to the north. Robert Coombes, 49, spent three days gathering donations from people and bought as much fast food as he could with the cash. He filled a friend's light aircraft with 400 pieces of Kentucky Fried Chicken, 300 McDonald's burgers, 50 Domino's pizzas, and hundreds of candies. His cargo of tasty treats landed in Kaikoura in time for lunch on Friday. Kaikoura was the town worst hit by the magnitude 7.8 quake.

Many health professionals strongly encourage everyone, young and old, to eat a nutrient dense breakfast every morning. This first meal of the day is important because it provides you with the energy and nutrients to fuel you through your day. However, it you're super busy in the mornings (or just don't want to get up early enough), finding the time to cook a nutritious breakfast can be hard. With a few tips, tricks and tasty recipes, you'll be able to have a healthy and nutritious breakfast every morning regardless of how busy you get.

1. Always include a source of protein. One important component of your breakfast should be protein. Studies have shown that those people who had a decent amount of protein at their breakfast stayed satisfied longer and were able to maintain a healthy weight.
• Try these protein-rich foods at breakfast: lean breakfast meat (like turkey bacon, turkey sausage or ham), low-fat dairy products, smoked salmon or eggs.

2. Try to include a serving of fruit. Another important component at breakfast is a high fiber fruit. Fruits are an easy way to get in a source of fiber and vitamins early in the morning.
• Fruit is a common and tasty breakfast side dish. Including them helps balance your breakfast meal and provides an adequate source of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants to your meal.

3. Add in a serving of vegetables if you can. Vegetables aren't always a common food group found at breakfast. However, if you include a serving of veggies early in the morning, it can help you balance your meal and meet your daily goal of 5 servings per day.

4.Do food prep on the weekends. Meal prepping in advance is a great trick to get breakfast (and other meals) ready much quicker. Try to do a little meal prep in your down time to help get your weekday breakfasts started.
5.Make overnight oats. One super easy and tasty breakfast recipe is overnight oats. This is a newer and very popular way to get in a serving of fruit and whole grains at breakfast. Plus it takes just a few minutes to make and zero prep time in the morning.
6. Make a breakfast smoothie. Breakfast smoothies are already a somewhat quick meal to have. However, there are a few preparation steps that you can do in advance to make this go even quicker in the mornings.

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