朱莉·艾金汉 | 查尔斯三世首张官方肖像画揭幕

知识 情迷英音 第880期 2024-06-30 创建 播放:119

介绍: Now finally it is rare for Royal portraits not to prompt debate or even controversy and the first official portrait of King Charles since the coronation has certainly joined that time honored tradition.

It ...

介绍: Now finally it is rare for Royal portraits not to prompt debate or even controversy and the first official portrait of King Charles since the coronation has certainly joined that time honored tradition.

It was unveiled by the Monarch at Buckingham Palace this afternoon and there is one feature that definitely catches the eye, the artist Jonathan Yeo said the red was inspired by the uniform of the Welsh guards which the king as regimental Colonel is wearing in the portrait.

It was commissioned by the Drapers' company and will eventually hang in their magnificent gallery of monarchs in Drapers’ Hall. The work actually began while Charles was Prince of Wales, the first of four sittings took place at Highgrove in 2021.

Before the unveiling, I visited Jonathan in his studio for an exclusive insight into how the portrait came to life.

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