[Pine's Deltarune] These Boys are trouble!

二次元 Undertale/Deltarune au电台 第9127期 2024-01-14 创建 播放:254

介绍: *源链接:/dr-fansong-thing/these-boys-are-trouble-lex3x


*曲绘作者:ulm、Lil Blundy


*所属同人作品:Pine's Deltarune


*相关角色:Trouble Boys


* Eheheheh! Looks lik...

介绍: *源链接:/dr-fansong-thing/these-boys-are-trouble-lex3x


*曲绘作者:ulm、Lil Blundy


*所属同人作品:Pine's Deltarune


*相关角色:Trouble Boys


* Eheheheh! Looks like someone can’t pay da tax!
* You know what that means, Jasper?
* Alright, kid! It’s time to make like swiss…
* And get some holes in ya!
Surprise! Two more songs are releasing... they're sort of related to things that I didn't initially think needed one, but they do!
Rouxls + Minigames.
This song doubles as the minigame theme + Shadowman "mischief" theme.

Song was made by @kiwiquest based on my original Trouble Boys theme!
Some sprites by ulm + @underblunder

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