[EN] 此亚裔非彼亚裔:冲金的《瞬息全宇宙》和它的后继者

故事 斜杠青年研究所 第97期 2023-03-04 创建 播放:1010

介绍: 第95届奥斯卡开奖在即,由亚裔领衔主演的《瞬息全宇宙》喜提十一项提名成为夺金热门,其主演杨紫琼也凭借此片成为奥斯卡历史上首位获得最佳女主角提名的华裔演员。影片讲述了一个正在遭遇中年危机的美国亚裔女性,突然被委以拯救世界的重任,并通过在不同宇宙间切换,体验了大厨、武打明星、石头等多种人生。虽然女主的设定仍未摆脱对...

介绍: 第95届奥斯卡开奖在即,由亚裔领衔主演的《瞬息全宇宙》喜提十一项提名成为夺金热门,其主演杨紫琼也凭借此片成为奥斯卡历史上首位获得最佳女主角提名的华裔演员。影片讲述了一个正在遭遇中年危机的美国亚裔女性,突然被委以拯救世界的重任,并通过在不同宇宙间切换,体验了大厨、武打明星、石头等多种人生。虽然女主的设定仍未摆脱对老一代华裔的刻板印象,比如:经营洗衣店、说话中英夹杂、在子女面前摇身成为“虎妈”,但电影天马行空、脑洞大开的风格还是给亚裔叙事带来了诸多想象。
从2018年上映、全亚裔阵容的《摘金奇缘》起,荧屏上的亚裔就开始撕掉”人均李小龙“、温良恭谦让、聪明勤奋但缺乏个性等标签;同时,亚裔演员也逐渐从镜头边缘走向类型片和实验性电影的台中央:比如在同年上映的“桌面电影”《网络谜踪》里,亚裔不再被作为猎奇对象,他们只不过是拥有不寻常经历的普通人;主演赵约翰(John Cho)也凭借此片成为了好莱坞的亚裔之光。
除了以上这些话题电影,还有很多同样心怀理想和创意的亚裔影人在试图打破常规,他们创作时会遇到怎样的迷茫?他们希望讲出怎样的亚裔故事、塑造怎样的亚裔形象?本期嘉宾是导演王早和制片人Joyce Liu-Countryman,他们刚刚拍摄完一部围绕亚裔移民家庭的微电影,影片女主赵牡丹(Margaret Cho)是美国著名韩裔脱口秀演员,也是王早少年时期的”女神“,王早当年就是被她极具个人特色的喜剧风格所鼓舞,决心要为多元化的亚裔叙事贡献自己的力量。王早和Joyce也是《瞬息全宇宙》的粉丝,在他们眼中:好的电影无关肤色,只有当观众忘记这是一部以亚裔为主角的电影,只是单纯的沉浸在影片的精彩之中,这才算亚裔电影真正出圈了吧。

Not Your Average Asian Americans, with the Filmmakers of Unconditional

When the thirteen-year-old Zao first saw Margaret Cho’s standup comedy on TV, he was intrigued by her loud and unapologetic persona and wished to see more not-your-average Asians on stage and screen.

Later, Zao became a filmmaker himself and met Joyce, a producer who also aspires to debunk the model minority myth by creating more “irreverent” Asian characters. The two hit it off and went on making a proof-of-concept film to promote the idea. Joyce even brought Margaret on the cast and Zao was thrilled to work with his idol. Though the story is about an Asian American family, Zao and Joyce don’t think it’s ethnicity-based. It intends to address something universal, with the Asian idiosyncrasies being the cherry on the cake. And they’ve been working very hard to turn the short film into a full-length one…

In this episode, Lulu talks with Zao Wang (ins @zaowangfilm) and Joyce Liu-Countryman (ins @joyceliucountryman), the director and producer of the film Unconditional: A Family Guide to Hunting. They share their takes on breaking Asian stereotypes in the media.

You’ll hear about:
* What’s their film about?
* How to get a famous actress in your film
* Why is funding for a film important?
* How did Daniels make Everything Everywhere All At Once with Adobe?
* Why do we love Everything Everywhere All At Once?

Music Credits:
Jonny Easton - Buddy
Jonny Easton - Falling

Website: https://www.filmindependent.org/programs/fiscal-sponsorship/unconditional/
Email: thisunconditionalfilm@gmail.com

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