失想ワアド(English Cover)【Will Stetson】

创作翻唱 Will Stetson的英文翻唱 第50期 2022-12-12 创建 播放:185

介绍: Lyrics:
失想ワアド / Never lost word

The mirror smiles back to me
The morning ' s here and I will be
The same unfeeling girl that I have always been
This painted smile hurts to wear
My sullen face and messy hair
I hate this stupid life I ' m living in
A game I ' ll never win

There are many things i ' d like...

介绍: Lyrics:
失想ワアド / Never lost word

The mirror smiles back to me
The morning ' s here and I will be
The same unfeeling girl that I have always been
This painted smile hurts to wear
My sullen face and messy hair
I hate this stupid life I ' m living in
A game I ' ll never win

There are many things i ' d like to say
But yet I find every single day
The words will never leave from deep inside my mind
My eyes are fixed upon my shoes
Today as well I ' m silent too
"Her highness can't even bother to say hi"
"A sad life"

But the garden and flowers seem to smile at me
I just looked on this scorn,filled up with hate and grief
Cause when looking at them I just can't help but see
I'm a useless person they seeth
Just let me leave,disappear quietly!​
I didn't notice but this world that we live in
Even a simple joy,it's so hard to find it
I couldn ' t speak a word through all of my reaching
Yeah I am just a waste,wiping tears away
I'm in a cycle where there's no understanding
I hate these people and their miserable acting
If i'm a flower then I never will bloom
I have a future silent and wordless from youth

Then a fearful look forms and swallows my face
Seems like once again I am running away
So with silent shame I just walk on the same
All their faces fill me with hate

These people laugh like budding blooms
And share their words so bright and new
They laugh and smile brightly in the gentle light
The mirror turns and says to me
"Just give it up,you ' ll never be"
"The kind of girl that ' ll ever get to shine"
A sad sigh​
Surely out in the world it all is bright and new
Envy filling my gaze I couldn't even move
Please just wipe it away,but I can not undo
But all the words suddenly stop
I want to change,stop all the pain,ahh

My very self is overflowing with feeling
I'm just an awful girl pathetic and weeping
So not a soul would see the pain in my eyes
Alone inside my room I sat and cried
But from the dark a voice so kindly was speaking
"You are not a monster I will never believe it."
As if those words had swept the aching away
I looked around,but couldn't find words all to say

So don't be afraid,speak the thoughts on your mind
Take all of your fear and just leave it behind
Using my own words I had looked to the light
"I am just a fool."I had cried

After some time my future soon arrived
Such a vivid world,it all was warm and bright
Even as I grow I know I won't lose sight
Through the pain,I know that I ' ll change
Far and away,I know that my feelings always will remain​
I didn't notice but this world that we live in
A simple memory,it ' s so hard to find it
This feelings deep inside will start up anew
I ' ll move along and pass them on to you
Maybe one day within this world that is shining
I can laugh on with someone there beside me
And simply thinking all these things everyday
I'm sure that that is proof that this failure could change
So I ' ll fix my hair,take this morning in stride
Yes today as well all the petals will fly
And all the buds reflected had smiled at me
I meet their gaze now finally at peace

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