[EN] 药企培训师:为新药研发“续命”的人

故事 斜杠青年研究所 第87期 2022-10-29 创建 播放:1208

介绍: 药企培训师:为新药研发“续命”的人 Scientists Help Us Learn, Who Helps Scientist Learn, with Serene Yu


介绍: 药企培训师:为新药研发“续命”的人 Scientists Help Us Learn, Who Helps Scientist Learn, with Serene Yu


* 据世界卫生组织估计,全球每15人中就有1人正受到罕见病的影响。
* 受罕见病影响的人数比受癌症和艾滋病的总人数还要多。
* 罕见病患者中有一半是儿童,每10个罕见病患儿中有3个活不过5岁。
* 80%的罕见病是遗传性疾病。
* 罕见病平均确诊时间为6到8年。
* 95%的罕见病还尚未有经美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准的治疗药物。

This is the stereotype we have of pharmaceutical scientists: smart, isolated workaholic who spend most of their day in a laboratory. They have a clear roadmap for drug discovery. They are close to offering the world a new promising cure. In fact, scientists are also employees like you and me. They can feel stuck at work or struggle to collaborate. Besides studying compounds and organisms, they also seek to advance their career and step into leadership. That’s how the Learning & Development department (L&D) comes into play. Scientists help us learn and L&D help scientists learn.

In this episode, Lulu talks with Serene Yu, a L&D professional @AstraZeneca/life-long+life-wide learner/Christian/wife/idealist with a to-do list/not-quite Bostonian, who aspires to bring the joy of learning back to adulthood. To date, her team has delivered five innovative medicines approved for the treatment of seven rare diseases.

You’ll hear about:
* What is a rare disease?
* If rare diseases are so rare, why do they matter?
* How does L&D help pharmaceutical professionals navigate the drug discovery odyssey?

Music credits
Jonny Easton - Playful
Jonny Easton - Anticipation

Cover photo
Andreas Kronbeck

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