[EN] 在多元的美国加州教种族研究 & 做YouTuber这六年

故事 斜杠青年研究所 第83期 2022-09-17 创建 播放:1317

介绍: 在多元的美国加州教种族研究 & 做YouTuber这六年 YouTube Is My Other Classroom, with Katrina Stacie

本期嘉宾是我特别喜欢的一位YouTube博主:Katrina Stacie。她在美国哈佛大学读教育学院时我就关注了她,看着她从实习、毕业,到备战教师资格考试,最终正式成为一名高中老师。

介绍: 在多元的美国加州教种族研究 & 做YouTuber这六年 YouTube Is My Other Classroom, with Katrina Stacie

本期嘉宾是我特别喜欢的一位YouTube博主:Katrina Stacie。她在美国哈佛大学读教育学院时我就关注了她,看着她从实习、毕业,到备战教师资格考试,最终正式成为一名高中老师。
刘浏和Katrina的经历说明:新手教师(或者所有职场新人)的焦虑,在国内外、各行业都是普遍之事。此外,Katrina在美国高中教的是一个很特别的学科:ethnic studies(种族研究),在国内高中并没有所对应。其实种族研究这门课在美国高中也颇具实验性,它的目的是让学生了解包括非裔、亚裔、拉丁裔和原住民等边缘社区群体的历史斗争和取得的胜利。去年加州才刚刚成为第一个把这门课作为高中必修课程的州;而无论是这项决议的通过,还是这门课在校园里实际推进,都面临了不少阻碍和争议。Katrina为何选择了这样一个领域?作为一个在美国出生的越南华裔后代,教这门课又让她对自己的身份有了怎样的新认知?

Katrina is a first-year teacher and she teaches ethnic studies, which is a new high school requirement in California. In fact, she started teaching a long time ago - not in a traditional classroom, but on social media platforms like YouTube, where she creates videos on how to live sustainably, reflectively and purposefully. Once she becomes a licensed educator, she finds that her YouTube experience can enhance her teaching career - either by helping her fight the beginner’s burnout or letting her debunk the misconceptions about ethnic studies.

In this episode, Lulu talks with Katrina Stacie, an educator, SGV/LA Native, Chinese-American, child of Chinese-Vietnamese Immigrants, family gal, YouTuber/Content Creator. She suggests smiling to ourselves (and the ceiling) before we get out of bed each morning, and “never not chasing a million things we want”. YouTube @Katrina Stacie / Instagram @katrinastacie

You’ll hear about:
* Why teachers are leaving the profession in droves
* What is ethnic studies and how should it be taught?
* What is it like growing up as a Chinese-Vietnamese American?
* Why is being authentic key to success on YouTube?

Music credits:
Chillpeach - In Dreamland : https://youtu.be/DSWYAclv2I8
Daystar - Like you : https://youtu.be/NLBmJ328Lyc

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