[UT:Soul of the Underground] Null and Void(Chapter 5)

二次元 Undertale/Deltarune au电台 第446期 2022-03-04 创建 播放:1162

介绍: *源链接:/sotu-official/null-and-void




*所属同人作品:Undertale:Soul of the Underground



*对应曲目/曲目格式:无(Chapter 5)


The track that plays during Ch...

介绍: *源链接:/sotu-official/null-and-void




*所属同人作品:Undertale:Soul of the Underground



*对应曲目/曲目格式:无(Chapter 5)


The track that plays during Chapter 5 when Dr. W.D. Gaster returns.

Please do not use this without permission.

Song by @snap4ik

We've never been past this point! We'd like to present our newest and final Gaster battle theme, by @snap4ik! Sounds very fitting for the good doctor, if you ask me. It's a complete remake, and a lot of work went into it! We hope you enjoy :)

Link to SotU: gamejolt/games/souls-of-the-underground/626867

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