
知识 潘之声英语美文朗读 第276期 2021-11-20 创建 播放:407369

介绍: 公众号:潘之声英语世界

Ther Right Time is Always Now

When a person is dying, more of...

介绍: 公众号:潘之声英语世界

Ther Right Time is Always Now

When a person is dying, more often than not, their perception towards life change, it helps them realize what is important and what is not.

Most of us find it hard to forgive others, but what we don’t know is that it’s even harder to forgive ourselves. We tend to hold grudges in life, and somehow, it is the reason why we can’t entirely be happy.

Most of the time, we take our chances for granted – the opportunity to spend time with our family, to help other people, and the chance to do what we love.

It’s because most of us think that we always have more time to do the right thing. But the truth is we never know when would be the last time for us to say goodbye.

Although some of us don’t like to think about it, we all know that our hearts will stop beating, eventually. So we should give our best and not wait for a special time to express our love to everyone. The right time is always now.

Most people are blinded by money and fame, so they often chase the wrong things. They tend to disregard their family and friends because they thought that it’s the material things that could keep them satisfied.

But for us to find meaning and joy in our life, we should learn to love not only ourselves but the other people as well. Being a part of your community can bring happiness and satisfaction that no amount of money can give you.

When we die, it’s the body that is only going away, not the relationship we had from our family, friends, and our community. We will be remembered on how we were to them when we were still alive. So the people that we’ve helped, however small it is, we’ll surely leave an unforgettable space in their hearts.

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