
知识 一席英语·老外来了 第116期 2020-09-29 创建 播放:56690

介绍: 主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)
今天我们要聊一聊,一个多月前就想聊的话题,热播剧《三十而已》 Nothing but Thirty。

三十而已Nothing but Thirty很像美国的Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》以及Sex and the City《欲望都市》。
*都市情感剧: TV serials of urban love/ romantic drama


介绍: 主播:翩翩(中国)+梅莉(法国)
今天我们要聊一聊,一个多月前就想聊的话题,热播剧《三十而已》 Nothing but Thirty。

三十而已Nothing but Thirty很像美国的Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》以及Sex and the City《欲望都市》。
*都市情感剧: TV serials of urban love/ romantic drama

剧名(Nothing but Thirty) 灵感来自 a Chinese idiom(中国的成语)——三十而立(Standing at Thirty)。
中国人相信,人到三十岁的时候,应该成家立业(being financially stable and having a family),在社会上立足。

They are not doing well and lacking self development. (三十岁而不能立。)

这部剧,turning the traditional idea around(改变传统观念), 就把“三十而立”,换成了“三十而已”,Nothing but Thirty。
表示:Being 30 is just the beginning.

很多人有共鸣:Many people can relate to it.

谐音“顾家”:Someone who takes care and looks after their family.
My wife takes good care of my family.

a perfect housewife(家庭主妇)
beautiful, intelligent and courageous(集美丽与智慧于一身)
takes good care of her husband and educates her son very well(相夫教子,贤妻良母)
very elegant socially and skillful in the kitchen(上得厅堂下得厨房。)

Her husband cheated on her. / He had an affair.

a sales assistant(一名“柜姐”)
a shanghai drifter(一名“海漂”)
海漂:在上海工作、生活的外地人Shanghai drifter
北漂:在北京工作、生活的外地人Beijing drifters
她爱上(falls in love with)一个多金多情的男人(rich and affectionate man),结果这个男人是“海王”(Sea King),最后他们以分手(broke up)告终。

* “海王”,是汉语中的buzz word(流行词), 源于(originates from)“本以为游进了哥哥的鱼塘,没想到哥哥是个海王”。
I thought I swam into my his fish pond, but I didn't expect him to be a sea king.
意思是指暧昧关系众多,经常以“广撒网、多捕鱼”为中心指导思想撩妹(seduce girls)的渣男(players)。

a nice and innocent good girl(一名“乖乖女”)
an ordinary office worker(平凡的“上班族”)

她跟丈夫离婚后又复婚(remarried),有一个happy ending。

闺蜜:best friends/ besties
① 她是我闺蜜。
She is my best friend.
② 她俩是闺蜜。
They are best friends.
*注意:闺蜜一定不可以用girlfriends这个词,因为girlfriends只用来指a relationship between a guy and a girl。

三十而立这句话,is a quote(引言) from Confucius:

很多汉学家将孔子的这句话翻译为英文,其中比较普遍一个翻译版本来自英国著名汉学家理雅各(James Legge):

At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning.
At thirty, I stood firm.
At forty, I had no doubts.
At fifty, I know the decrees of Heaven.
At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth.
At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right.

孔子得出的感悟并非适用于每一个人(apply to everyone),现在社会,it’s OK to start business or start doing something at forties.

Anyway, 我们都祝愿大家:
Stand firm at thirty and have no doubts at forty.
Best wishes!

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