【地道美语119】 你智能优秀吗?会破解魔方吗?方向感好吗?

知识 北京外语广播王牌教学 第1377期 2019-10-23 创建 播放:15160

介绍: 中国古人认为人才是具有一定智能水平的人,智与能成为考察人的重要指标。在西方,霍华德·加德纳提出多元智能论,将人类智能分为语言、逻辑、空间、肢体运作、音乐、人际、自我认知、自然认知力几大范畴。今天玩个智能自查:玩魔方吗?会破解吗?去过的偏僻之地再去还能再找到吗?【地道美语119】Solving Rubik's Cube & Spatial intel...

介绍: 中国古人认为人才是具有一定智能水平的人,智与能成为考察人的重要指标。在西方,霍华德·加德纳提出多元智能论,将人类智能分为语言、逻辑、空间、肢体运作、音乐、人际、自我认知、自然认知力几大范畴。今天玩个智能自查:玩魔方吗?会破解吗?去过的偏僻之地再去还能再找到吗?【地道美语119】Solving Rubik's Cube & Spatial intelligence

英语PK台周一至周五 网络听直播

Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群


dialogue 1
Jingjing: So, Mark, this is your office.
Mark: You're looking at it. Hey, I'm glad you're finally visiting me here. Before we go to lunch, let me just ------------ and make sure I have everything-----------
Jingjing: Sure, I'll ---------t. Mind if I ------------ that Rubik's Cube?
Mark: Go ahead. I'm not anywhere near -----------------, as you can see.
Jingjing: Have you ever watched someone ---------- or other ----------------?
Mark: Nah, I just hoped to ---------------on my own.
Jingjing: Some people can do that—like Chris Gardner.
Mark: The --------------businessman? I remember the movie about him.
Jingjing: Yeah: The Pursuit of Happyness! ------------------
Mark: Fun fact: when making that movie, the actor Will Smith-----------about how to solve the Rubik's Cube. So, ---------------solving the puzzle---------------------
Jingjing: Well, I'll have to watch it again to see if the camera-----------to his hands, or just cuts to a --------------------
Mark: Yeah, and as he's talking about how to solve it in that scene, something about -------------------- all the time. I'd better watch it again too.
Jingjing: I think you mean the center squares stay in the same place. And you should try to ----------- so that the right color is next to -------------. See: ------------ Try to make a plus with ----------------------- on each side.
Mark: Whoa, Jingjing! You've ---------- solving it in just these few minutes than I ever have.
Jingjing: Well, ----------- then. You could probably finish it, or at least ----------------------. Are you ready to go?
Mark: Oh. I totally forgot. Give me just --------------
Jingjing: Sure thing. I'm not too ------------- yet.

dialogue 2, at the restaurant
Jingjing: Mark, this is a nice -------------
Mark: I come here at least ---------- even if I have to eat all----------------
Jingjing: How did you first find this place? It's a bit ----------------
Mark: --------------------------
Jingjing: That makes sense. But how did you find such an ---------------a second time.
Mark: That was easy. I just remembered where it was.
Jingjing: Good for you. Not everyone has a ------------------
Mark: Do you?
Jingjing: I'm --------- and finding my way around. Lots of my friends—-------—are -------- at it. They ---------------when we travel together.
Mark: You must have learned how to do that ------------
Jingjing: Well, you know where I'm from. ------------streets. Mark, do you think a sense of direction is a learned------------------- innate ability.
Mark: I think it's---------. That's the easy answer. Lots of people tell me one of their parents is------------. Each person needs to-----------l that helps them to find their way around.
Jingjing: So, people ---------to make it better and better, as with -------------------.
Mark: Right. I've read some of Howard Gardner's work, about ---------------. He also doesn't deal with the nature vs nurture ---------. He says schools should offer an array of --------, so that they can use any of eight different intelligences-------------
Jingjing: That sounds like an ------------ I'll have to read about him. He's a Harvard psychologist, isn't he?
Mark: Yes. He works for the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

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