FUZI Mili - Birthday Kid

创作翻唱 mili-私用 第4期 2019-07-25 创建 播放:35555

介绍: It's like we're a bunch of lonely people

Testing the limit to see

how much pain we can bear

Honestly I don't know how I got so far

I did this to me

I did this to me

There is no one else to blame

I did it myself

I did this to me

I did this to me

I did this to me

I did this to me

I wish it was your ...

介绍: It's like we're a bunch of lonely people

Testing the limit to see

how much pain we can bear

Honestly I don't know how I got so far

I did this to me

I did this to me

There is no one else to blame

I did it myself

I did this to me

I did this to me

I did this to me

I did this to me

I wish it was your fault

I wish it was your fault

But how could it be oh

But how could it be oh

I did this to me

Sometimes I can't move at all

Unless I'm certain that

I'm following the right path

The right path

In my dreams

You praised me and clapped

Then mommy said

'It's alright there's always next time

You did your best

It's like we're a bunch of lonely people

Testing the limit to see

How much pain we can bear

Not too much and not too little

So the world feels much more familiar

And the only reason

I could carry on is thanks to

My imaginary children

Greatgreat grandchildren

Singing in front of

My 100th birthday cake

Saying they are glad

Saying they are proud

Of what I've accomplished in my time

It's all but a dream

It's all but a dream

It's all but a dream

I did this to me

I did this to me

I did this to me

I did this to me

There is no more mommy

There is no more daddy

I'll take it head on

Yeah I'll take it head on

Cause I did this to me


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  • 音乐开放平台
  • 云村交易所
  • X StudioAI歌手
  • 用户认证
  • AI 免费写歌
  • 云推歌
  • 赞赏

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