《老友记》学美语34 [ z + s ] 只需读一个s , 罗斯吵架甩锅好友

知识 北京外语广播王牌教学 第1320期 2019-07-18 创建 播放:15391

介绍: 课堂答疑:

1、【 胡静Esther 】



朋友:Listening to ur English is sheer delight.

我:在sheer delight 前面加个 a


介绍: 课堂答疑:

1、【 胡静Esther 】



朋友:Listening to ur English is sheer delight.

我:在sheer delight 前面加个 a


我:我是根据语感觉得应该加个a的,类似的用法有what a pleasant surprise、what a delight 等等。

然后我就用剑桥词典还有The Free Dictionary查了delight这个单词,当delight用作名词时,它前面一般都搭配着有冠词a

例句1: The vacation was a delight for the whole family

例句2: My sisters little boy is a real delight

而当我试着用这些词典查sheer的用法的时候,sheer+名词 的前面确实是没有加a的~

例句1: His music is sheer delight

例句2: The suggestion is sheer nonsense.


1.我朋友原句中的 sheer delight前面到底该不该加个a呢?又或者说,是否两种说法都能接受呢?请老师帮忙分析一下~

2. 【 胡静Esther 】“Listening to your English” 这样的表达符不符合英语本身的表达习惯呢?

3.【 胡静Esther 】如果我朋友原句的表达是正确的话,那么想用英语表达“收听PK台的节目让人心旷神怡”

可以翻译成“ Listening to Going for Gold is sheer delight”吗? 或者有没有更地道更常用的表达方式呢?


片段二 第3季第16集





Rachel: God!And to have to hear about it from Gunther!1

[ən tə hæf tə hiər rə bɑu dɪ’ frəm gʌn θər.]

Ross: Come on! Like I wanted him to tell you, I ran all over the place trying tomake sure①that didn’t happen!

Rachel: Oh, that is so sweet. I think I’m falling in love with you all over again.2

[ou ðæ dɪ sou swit]

Chandler: Y’know what, I think we can go out there. I mean they have more important things toworryabout②.

Joey: Yeah, we’ll be fine.
Ross: Look Rachel, I wanted to tell you, I thought I should, I–I did, and then Chandler and Joeyconvinced③me not to.

[ɑi wɑn tɪ’ tə tel ljµ]
Chandler: Wax the door shut. We’re never leaving, ever.3
Phoebe: Hi, it’s Phoebe. Listen, someone’s gonna have to take my 9:00 with Mr. Rehack,’cause it’s like 9:15 now, and I’m not there.
Ross: Don’t you realize none of this would’ve ever happened if I didn’t think at that same moment you were having sex with Mark?
Rachel: All right. Let’s say I had slept with Mark. Would you have been able toforgive④me?

Ross: Yes I would.4

Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握

1、And to have to hear about it from Gunther!1

[ən tə hæf tə hiər rə bɑu dɪ’ frəm gʌn θər.]

2、Oh, that is so sweet.

[ou ðæ dɪ sou swit]

3、I wanted to tell you

[ɑi wɑn tɪ’ tə tel ljµ]

Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读

1、He heard they have an opening.

[hi hər’ ðei mɑi tæ və nou pɪ niŋ]

2、You want me to see if he can get you an interview?

[jµ wɑn’ mi də si jɪ fi kən ge’ jµ wə nɪ nər vjµ?]

3、Not a problem.

[nɑ də prɑ bləm]

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