
知识 一席英语·老外来了 第54期 2019-07-17 创建 播放:131462

介绍: 主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)
歌曲:Crying In The Rain

Shanghai is doing garbage sorting. What do Americans think?

garbage sorting 垃圾分类
touchy topic 热门话题

refuse/rubbish 英式的说法
trash/ garbage 美式的说法

上海垃圾筒旁边流行问: Which trash are you? 侬是啥垃圾?
其实原意是which ...

介绍: 主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)
歌曲:Crying In The Rain

Shanghai is doing garbage sorting. What do Americans think?

garbage sorting 垃圾分类
touchy topic 热门话题

refuse/rubbish 英式的说法
trash/ garbage 美式的说法

上海垃圾筒旁边流行问: Which trash are you? 侬是啥垃圾?
其实原意是which trash are you bringing?
干垃圾:dry trash
湿垃圾:wet/ biological trash
有害垃圾:toxic trash (电池之类等)

Pigs eat wet trash, but not dry trash.

2. Government advertisement campaign 政府的广告到处都是

垃圾桶的说法,要看大小(depends on the size):
trash can 家用的小垃圾桶
trash bin 外面的中号垃圾桶
dumpster 垃圾站的大垃圾桶,大约四五米

trash truck 垃圾车
dump into the dumpster 扔垃圾

particularly strict policy 史上最严的政策
如果你违反的话,there will be a fine(罚款)!

3. For the common person 民间冒出的各种段子

meme 段子,梗
It went viral. 像病毒一样传播

民间的各种meme更像是一场“病毒传播”a spreading disease,加深了市民对垃圾分类的认知。

4. Government policy becomes a water -cooler topic. 政府行为变为茶余饭后的谈资

closed topic 封闭话题
a water -cooler topic 茶余饭后的谈资

It’s very lit.
It’s on fire.
It’s a hot topic.

5. Have foreign media reported on this matter? 外国人怎么看这件事?

Not really though there is greater interests in what China is doing with its trash as this has impacts for other countries.
垃圾分类暂时还没上升到national policies, 因此外国媒体虽然对中国处理垃圾的方式更感兴趣,这件事情暂时还没有走出国门

Trash该怎么处理,仍然是一个lit topic around the world 全世界关注的一个焦点

不过,确实 It’ s definitely 麻烦!


Reduce :降低产出
recycle:回收循环 (成本高,且质量和作用降低)

✖️Plastic bag 塑料袋
✖️Cloth bag 布包

Incur a pain to the person 让这人疼了,才有可能change his habit (改变习惯)!


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