Hope Against Hope / Ben Potter

广播剧 DC339 第9期 2019-01-13 创建 播放:936019

介绍: 撒野广播剧第三季第二期片尾ED

You are growing taller than you know you are
你的成长 比你想象得要多

Getting stronger in places unseen
你在变强 在不知不觉中

So while you are walking, the valley to the lookout

Let love be the guide unto thee

Don't let this moment - set yo...

介绍: 撒野广播剧第三季第二期片尾ED

You are growing taller than you know you are
你的成长 比你想象得要多

Getting stronger in places unseen
你在变强 在不知不觉中

So while you are walking, the valley to the lookout

Let love be the guide unto thee

Don't let this moment - set you outlook
不要让此刻 绊住了你的憧憬

Have hope and see beyond the stars
心有希冀 远眺星汉

You’re growing taller, than you know you are
Getting stronger in places unseen.
So while you’re walking - the valley to the lookout,
Let love be the guide unto thee.

Don’t let this moment - set your outlook.
Have hope, and see beyond the stars.
This darkness - is fading,
So hope against hope, against hope.
Just hope against hope, against hope.

You look like glory, though you feel dirty
And your heart made pure like gold
So watch this trial, become your triumph,
Look around and see your path unfold

Don’t let this moment - set your outlook.
Have hope, and see beyond the stars.
This darkness - is fading,
So hope against hope, against hope.
Just hope against hope, against hope.

There’s no reason to run - don’t hide form my love,
You are glowing with beauty my child.
Come hide in my arms, and let it all go,
We’re moving on again, on into greater things.
Just be still, be still and know:
That I, your God, am here with you.

Don’t let this moment - set your outlook.
Have hope, and see beyond the stars.
This darkness - is fading,
So hope against hope, against hope

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