Maroon 5: Cool as you are(A面) - NJ温温

音乐播客 不听音乐会死星球 第299期 2018-11-15 创建 播放:1187

介绍: 策划:温温 @Maam_Josasa
主播:温温 @Maam_Josasa

After college, members regathered.
They tried shows in pubs, festivals and etc.

In 2001, James walked in and changed the name of the band.

Soon, SONGS ABOUT JANE sold out tens of millions of copies

and led Maroon 5 up on the global stage.

Years of struggle ...

介绍: 策划:温温 @Maam_Josasa
主播:温温 @Maam_Josasa

After college, members regathered.
They tried shows in pubs, festivals and etc.

In 2001, James walked in and changed the name of the band.

Soon, SONGS ABOUT JANE sold out tens of millions of copies

and led Maroon 5 up on the global stage.

Years of struggle and sacrifice turn the big boys into success.
Best wishes to Maroon 5.

魔力红是一支来自美国洛杉机的新灵魂摇滚乐队。创作精选集《Songs About Jane》出街后,他们终于被一位经纪人慧眼拾珠,开始走向大红大紫。他们的的音乐取材经典歌曲并加以演变,让人感觉清新又新鲜,大力宣扬复兴90年代美国摇滚的风范。


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