面纱:The Painted Veil -04

知识 最强英文有声书 | Audiobooks 第150期 2018-05-24 创建 播放:187

介绍: 毛姆深度剖析人性特点的三大力作之首:一对夫妇,因妻子不忠,丈夫毅然决定带着妻子到霍乱横行的中国内地行医,在这个小镇上,死亡和绝望每天与他们擦身而过......结局出人意料,令人唏嘘,却也发人深省。

【Chapter 21 】

ALL through the afternoon she thought of what Charlie had said about Walter. They were dining out tha...

介绍: 毛姆深度剖析人性特点的三大力作之首:一对夫妇,因妻子不忠,丈夫毅然决定带着妻子到霍乱横行的中国内地行医,在这个小镇上,死亡和绝望每天与他们擦身而过......结局出人意料,令人唏嘘,却也发人深省。

【Chapter 21 】

ALL through the afternoon she thought of what Charlie had said about Walter. They were dining out that evening and when he came back from the Club she was dressing. He knocked at her door. "Come in."

He did not open.

"I'm going straight along to dress. How long will you be?"

"Ten minutes."

He said nothing more, but went to his own room. His voice had that constrained note which she had heard in it the night before. She felt fairly sure of herself now. She was ready before he was and when he came downstairs she was already seated in the car.

"I'm afraid I've kept you waiting," he said.

"I shall survive it," she replied, and she was able to smile as she spoke.

She made an observation or two as they drove down the hill, but he answered curtly. She shrugged her shoulders; she was growing a trifle impatient: if he wanted to sulk, let him, she didn't care. They drove in silence till they reached their destination. It was a large dinner party. There were too many people and too many courses. While Kitty chatted gaily with her neighbours she watched Walter. He was deathly pale and his face was pinched.


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