小王子:The Little Prince -06

知识 最强英文有声书 | Audiobooks 第137期 2018-05-23 创建 播放:523

介绍: 这是一本写给大人的童话,它告诉我们:在遥远的星空上,住着一位小王子。他纤弱、孤独,他纯真如水,他喜欢看落日,他爱着一朵虚张声势的玫瑰花,他旅行,他见过大人世界里的荒诞,也遇见了一个落难的飞行员……

【Chapter 10】

"That intimidates me…I can’t do it now," said the little prince, blushing deeply.

“Well, wel...

介绍: 这是一本写给大人的童话,它告诉我们:在遥远的星空上,住着一位小王子。他纤弱、孤独,他纯真如水,他喜欢看落日,他爱着一朵虚张声势的玫瑰花,他旅行,他见过大人世界里的荒诞,也遇见了一个落难的飞行员……

【Chapter 10】

"That intimidates me…I can’t do it now," said the little prince, blushing deeply.

“Well, well!” the king replied. “Then I. . . I command you to yawn sometimes and sometimes to. . .”

He was sputtering a little, and seemed annoyed.

For the king insisted that his authority be universally respected. He would tolerate no disobedience, being an absolute monarch. But since he was a kindly man, all his commands were reasonable. “If I were to command,” he would often say, “if I were to command a general to turn into a seagull, and if the general did not obey, that would not be the general’s fault. It would be mine.”

“May I sit down?” the little prince timidly inquire.

“I command you to sit down,” the king replied, majestically gathering up a fold of his ermine robe.

But the little prince was wondering. The planet was tiny. Over what could the king really reign? “Sire….,” he ventured, “excuse me for asking. . .”

“I command you to ask,” the king hastened to say.

“Sire over what do you reign?”

“Over everything,” the king answered, with great simplicity.

“Over everything?”

With a discreet gesture the king pointed to his planet, to the other planets, and to the stars.

“Over all that?” asked the little prince.

“Over all that. . . ,” the king answered.


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