小王子:The Little Prince -02

知识 最强英文有声书 | Audiobooks 第133期 2018-05-23 创建 播放:1330

介绍: 这是一本写给大人的童话,它告诉我们:在遥远的星空上,住着一位小王子。他纤弱、孤独,他纯真如水,他喜欢看落日,他爱着一朵虚张声势的玫瑰花,他旅行,他见过大人世界里的荒诞,也遇见了一个落难的飞行员……


Since I had never drawn a sheep, I made him one of the only two drawings I Knew how to make—the ...

介绍: 这是一本写给大人的童话,它告诉我们:在遥远的星空上,住着一位小王子。他纤弱、孤独,他纯真如水,他喜欢看落日,他爱着一朵虚张声势的玫瑰花,他旅行,他见过大人世界里的荒诞,也遇见了一个落难的飞行员……


Since I had never drawn a sheep, I made him one of the only two drawings I Knew how to make—the one of the boa constrictor from outside. And I was astounded to hear the little fellow answer:

“ No ! No ! I don’t want an elephant inside a boa constrictor. A boa constrictor is very dangerous, and an elephant would get in the way. Where I live, everything is very small. I need a sheep. Draw me a sheep.”

So then I made a drawing.

He looked at it carefully, and then said “No. This one is already quite sick. Make another.”

I made another drawing. My friend gave me a kind, indulgent smile: “ You can see for yourself . . . that's not a sheep, it's a ram. It has horns . . .”

So I made my third drawing, but it was rejected, like the others: “This one’s too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time.

So then, impatiently, since I was in a hurry to start work on my engine, I scribbled this drawing, and added, “This is just the crate. The sheep you want is inside."


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