烬火 Emberfire 《原神》动画短片「烬中歌」

二次元 「原神」枫丹/沉玉谷 精选音乐 第72期 2024-04-18 创建 播放:6958

介绍: 作曲/编曲:李洋HOYO-MiX



May the birds soar from their cage
Sunbeams filter through the foliage
Flames grow with immortal courage
And I hope you won't be tainted by fate
Nothing to fear
So go alone

By the grace of pain
Hundreds of times you fight in the ruins
Your pride w...

介绍: 作曲/编曲:李洋HOYO-MiX



May the birds soar from their cage
Sunbeams filter through the foliage
Flames grow with immortal courage
And I hope you won't be tainted by fate
Nothing to fear
So go alone

By the grace of pain
Hundreds of times you fight in the ruins
Your pride will not be slain
From the heart to the veins

Stay awake don't fall asleep
The way is long and the gloom is deep
Embers glowing in the hearth still seen
And I hope you won't be tainted by fate
Nothing to fear
Never look back
Go ahead

Though bones and minds were chained
You cut down the thorns again and again
Your pride will not be slain
From the heart to the veins

(Nec fatum finire te)
(Nec tribulatio potest)
Flames grow with immortal courage
(Haec olim meminisse iuvabit)
And your world will never fall away
Nothing to fear
Beneath the scars
You'll never be tainted by fate

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