【Go Vagabonding 】S01E05

知识 中国传媒大学英语广播台 第408期 2019-04-20 创建 播放:1199

介绍: 介绍: 想了解当今的旅游胜地吗,想变成无所不知的吃喝玩乐通吗,一切尽在“走,我们去流浪”

伴着四季交替,我们游览万千,触感万分,一切你想了解的游行消息尽在这档节目之中,Go Vagabonding欢迎你的收听!

What about Anecdotes ---

The sunshine is just right, the breeze is not irritable, let's take a time trip, take a...

介绍: 介绍: 想了解当今的旅游胜地吗,想变成无所不知的吃喝玩乐通吗,一切尽在“走,我们去流浪”

伴着四季交替,我们游览万千,触感万分,一切你想了解的游行消息尽在这档节目之中,Go Vagabonding欢迎你的收听!

What about Anecdotes ---

The sunshine is just right, the breeze is not irritable, let's take a time trip, take a walk in the Shanghai Folk Museum of the past, feel the memories of the old Shanghainese!

——presented by Trista & Colin

So Custom---

Welcome to Shanghai! In this week’s program, Cathy and Matt will lead you to the international metropolis where you can feel both the charm of the old times and the modernization. May you like it!
——presented by Cathy & Matt

Foodie Drop---

On a trip to Shanghai, food is no doubt one of the most attractive factors of this place. You are gonna be aware of all sorts of food.

——presented by Carly & Matt

Stunning History---

This popular place of interest is fascinating. However, do you know about the history of this place? We will lead you back to hundreds of years ago to see what happened then.

——presented by Tom & Colin

My taste---

My own feeling about Shanghai, wish you like it.

——presented by Molly

Break a leg~

Go Vagabonding节目组

制片人:贡嘎旺久 Matt

主播:韩文轩 Colin

记者: Trista 朱艺博 Molly 包新慧 Tom 陈泓哲 Cathy 沈可心 Carly 蔡佳慧

后期: Trista 朱艺博 Molly 包新慧 Tom 陈泓哲 Cathy 沈可心 Carly 蔡佳慧

总后期:韩文轩 Colin

上传:韩文轩 Colin

每周六晚,Go Vagabonding 期待您的收听~

Every Saturday night, we are waiting for you in Go Vagabonding.

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