AR - 真爱至上 - Gift Wrapping 憨豆先生Rowan客串

知识 【Alan Rickman】艾伦·里克曼 天鹅绒般的声... 第20期 2019-02-23 创建 播放:10851

介绍: Sales clerk: Looking for anything in particular, sir?
Harry: Yes, em, that necklace there, how much is it?
Sales clerk: It's£270.
Harry: Erm, all right, er, I'll have it.
Sales clerk: Lovely! Would you like it... gift- wrapped?
Harry: Yes, all right.
Sales clerk: Lovely! Let me just pop it in the box. There!...

介绍: Sales clerk: Looking for anything in particular, sir?
Harry: Yes, em, that necklace there, how much is it?
Sales clerk: It's£270.
Harry: Erm, all right, er, I'll have it.
Sales clerk: Lovely! Would you like it... gift- wrapped?
Harry: Yes, all right.
Sales clerk: Lovely! Let me just pop it in the box. There!
Harry: Look, could we be quite quick?
Sales clerk: Certainly, sir! Ready in the flashest of flashes! There!
Harry: That's great.
Sales clerk: Not quite finished.
Harry: Look I, I don't need a bag; I'll just put it in my pocket.
Sales clerk: Oh, this isn't a bag, sir!
Harry: Really?
Sales clerk: This is so much more than a bag! Ooh!
Harry: Could we be quite quick, please!
Sales clerk: Prontissimo.
Harry: What's that?
Sales clerk: It's a cinnamon stick, sir!
Harry: Actually, I really can't wait!
Sales clerk: You won't regret it, sir.
Harry: Wanna bet?
Sales clerk: 'Tis, but the work of a moment. Yeah? Almost finished.
Harry: Almost finished, what else gonna be. Are you gonna dip it in your yogurt, cover it with chocolate buttons?
Sales clerk: Oh, no sir, we're going to pop it in the Christmas box.
Harry: But I don't want a Christmas box.
Sales clerk: But you said you wanted it gift-wrapped.
Harry: I did, but...
Sales clerk: This is the final flourish.
Harry: Can I just pay?
Sales clerk: All we need now...
Harry: Oh, God!
Sales clerk: Is a sprig of holly?
Harry: No, no, no, no. No bloody holly!
Sales clerk: But, sir...
Harry: Leave it, leave it! Just leave it!

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