
知识 早安英文 第602期 2017-09-27 创建 播放:110303

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Emmy Awards / The Emmys 艾美奖
the best Actor, Actress 最佳男女主角
supporting actor and supporting Actress 最佳男女配角
best director 最佳导演
best program 最佳节目 真人秀、喜剧、动作

The Emmys are awards that are...

介绍: 「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。

Emmy Awards / The Emmys 艾美奖
the best Actor, Actress 最佳男女主角
supporting actor and supporting Actress 最佳男女配角
best director 最佳导演
best program 最佳节目 真人秀、喜剧、动作

The Emmys are awards that are handed out every year in September. And they’re given in recognition of great American television programs!

The Emmy Awards were first held in 1949, so this year was the 69th.

Donald Glover was also the first African American to win an Emmy for Comedy directing.
Donald Glover是艾美奖史上第一个获得喜剧导演奖项的非洲裔美国人。

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