
知识 早安英文 第533期 2017-06-29 创建 播放:94414

介绍: 「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。

dentist ['dɛntɪst] n.牙医
toothache ['tuθek] n. 牙痛
headache [ˈhɛdˌek] n.头痛
backache [ˈbækˌeɪk] n.背痛
swollen ['swolən] adj. 肿胀的,浮肿的
cavity ['kævəti] n. 蛀牙
floss [flɔs] n.牙线
mouthwash ['maʊθwɔʃ] n.漱口水
wisdom teeth 智...

介绍: 「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。

dentist ['dɛntɪst] n.牙医
toothache ['tuθek] n. 牙痛
headache [ˈhɛdˌek] n.头痛
backache [ˈbækˌeɪk] n.背痛
swollen ['swolən] adj. 肿胀的,浮肿的
cavity ['kævəti] n. 蛀牙
floss [flɔs] n.牙线
mouthwash ['maʊθwɔʃ] n.漱口水
wisdom teeth 智齿


Today,we are going to talk about one of the least favorite places of many many people.

So tell me, what seems to be the problem?

I've got a really bad toothache!

I can't eat anything, and look, my face is all swollen.

A liquid that is used to clean your mouth and teeth and to make your breath smell better。

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