父亲节 | 想给我心目中永远的大男孩读一首诗

知识 早安英文 第523期 2017-06-16 创建 播放:101487

介绍: 「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。

Father's Day is all about celebrating how amazing your dad is, and letting him know how much you love him. You can do this with a thoughtful gift, a sweet card, or a heartfelt. Father’s Day Poem.


介绍: 「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。

Father's Day is all about celebrating how amazing your dad is, and letting him know how much you love him. You can do this with a thoughtful gift, a sweet card, or a heartfelt. Father’s Day Poem.


He never looks for praises
praise [preɪz] 赞美
He's never one to boast
boast [boʊst] 自夸
He just goes on quietly working
quietly ['kwaɪətli] 安静地
For those he loves the most
His dreams are seldom spoken
His wants are very few

And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken too
unspoken [ˌʌn'spoʊkən] 不言而喻的,未说出口的
He's there.... A firm foundation
Through all our storms of life
foundation [faʊn’deɪʃn] 根基
A sturdy hand to hold to
In times of stress and strife
sturdy ['stɜːrdi] 强健的
strife [straɪf] 争吵
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.
blessing ['blesɪŋ] 幸事

— "Silent Strong Dad”

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