
知识 英语口语每日养成 @葫芦语言 第1885期 2024-05-20 创建 播放:2598

介绍: 【句子】Hey, if you keep running from every reminder of the tornado, doesn't the tornado win?   【Modern Family S3E17】
【发音】/heɪ/ /ɪf/ /juː/ /kiːp/ /ˈrʌn.ɪŋ/ /frɒm/ /frɑːm/ /ˈev.ri/ /rɪˈmaɪn.də(r)/ /əv/ /ðə/ /tɔː(r)ˈneɪ.dəʊ/ /ˈdʌz.ənt/ /ðə/ /tɔː(r)ˈneɪ.dəʊ/ /wɪn/
【发音技巧】if you连读;keep running不完全...

介绍: 【句子】Hey, if you keep running from every reminder of the tornado, doesn't the tornado win?   【Modern Family S3E17】
【发音】/heɪ/ /ɪf/ /juː/ /kiːp/ /ˈrʌn.ɪŋ/ /frɒm/ /frɑːm/ /ˈev.ri/ /rɪˈmaɪn.də(r)/ /əv/ /ðə/ /tɔː(r)ˈneɪ.dəʊ/ /ˈdʌz.ənt/ /ðə/ /tɔː(r)ˈneɪ.dəʊ/ /wɪn/
【发音技巧】if you连读;keep running不完全爆破;from every连读;reminder of连读;doesn't the不完全爆破;
今天节目中,我们来学习一下这里run from sth.的用法,有同学可能说前面为什么还有一个keep呢?其实是keep doing sth. “一直做某事”的结构。
在英文中run from sth. 可以理解成:“通过逃跑的方式逃离某个事物;”
to try to escape from something by running或者to avoid something
eg: I ran from the bear as fast as I could.
eg: The thief ran from the police officer and escaped down a side alley.
eg: You can't hope to be a successful manager if you're constantly running from confrontation.
eg: She's been running from her responsibilities ever since she left college.
Mary ran from the dog and jumped over a fence to safety.

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