英雄联盟《双城之战》When Everything Went Wrong

二次元 英雄联盟-League of Legends- 第267期 2021-11-20 创建 播放:25223

介绍: That's when everything went wrong
Now that's when everything went wrong
I lay down to die on the concrete floor
Now that's when everything went wrong
99 ways that you're willing to die
Break your mama heart now she startin to cry
Broken beer bottles that are starting to fly
I know my time is coming soon
7 ...

介绍: That's when everything went wrong
Now that's when everything went wrong
I lay down to die on the concrete floor
Now that's when everything went wrong
99 ways that you're willing to die
Break your mama heart now she startin to cry
Broken beer bottles that are starting to fly
I know my time is coming soon
7 foot goon lined up in the room
Kickin up dust in the shadow of doom
Temper start to flare now they're starting to fume
I know my time is coming soon
That's when everything went wrong
Now that's when everything went wrong
I lay down to die on the concrete floor
Now that's when everything went wrong
That's when everything went wrong
Now that's when everything went wrong
I lay down to die on the concrete floor
Now that's when everything went wrong
The devils coming after me
The devils coming after me
I ran past a neighbor sitting on da sidewalk sippin
On a beer till my friends came looking for me
I don't smoke no more
That's when everything went wrong
Now that's when everything went wrong
I lay down to die on the concrete floor
Now that's when everything went wrong
That's when everything went wrong
Now that's when everything went wrong
I lay down to die on the concrete floor
Now that's when everything went wrong

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  • X StudioAI歌手
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  • 云推歌
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