英雄联盟《双城之战》Guns For Hire

二次元 英雄联盟-League of Legends- 第262期 2021-11-13 创建 播放:35186

介绍: Hold the die your turn to roll
Before they fall through your fingers
Not a good night to lose control
Right as the earth is unraveling
You play with your blocks until they break
And these walls come tumbling down
Oh they're tumbling down
You're out time make your move
Live or die while the fuse is lit and the...

介绍: Hold the die your turn to roll
Before they fall through your fingers
Not a good night to lose control
Right as the earth is unraveling
You play with your blocks until they break
And these walls come tumbling down
Oh they're tumbling down
You're out time make your move
Live or die while the fuse is lit and there's no turning back
Kiss your perfect day goodbye
Because the world is on fire
Tuck your innocence goodnight
You sold your friends like guns for hire
Go play with your blocks
And now you'll pay when these walls come tumbling down
Oh they're tumbling down
Resting on a knife you heavy souls
With all this weight buckling down on you now
Don't you drown and float away
Not a good time to lose control
Right as your marionettes cut their strings and run away
You're out time make your move
Live or die while the fuse is lit and there's no turning back
Kiss your perfect day goodbye
Because the world is on fire
Tuck your innocence goodnight
You sold your friends like guns for hire
Go play with your blocks
And now you'll pay when these walls come tumbling down
Oh they're tumbling down

  • 音乐开放平台
  • 云村交易所
  • X StudioAI歌手
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  • 音乐交易平台
  • 云推歌
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