抖森(Tom Hiddleston)-《The Night Manager》

明星专区 失眠少女的深夜电台(欧美篇) 第102期 2019-12-23 创建 播放:23501

介绍: 欢迎收听失眠音乐台
刻画了男主角Jonathan Pine第一次与军火商人Richard Roeper交锋的场景


介绍: 欢迎收听失眠音乐台
刻画了男主角Jonathan Pine第一次与军火商人Richard Roeper交锋的场景


He's recognised me, thought Jonathan, waiting for the denunciation.
他认出我了 Jonathan想道 紧张地等待着身份暴露之后的斥责

He's seen my photograph, listened to my description.
他必然已经看过我的照片 听过对我的描述

In a minute he'll stop smiling.

「I'm Dicky Roper,」a lazy voice announced as the hand closed round Jonathan's and briefly owned it, 「My chaps booked some rooms here. Rather a lot of 'em. How d'you do?」Belgravia slur, the proletarian accent of the vastly rich.
我是Dicky Roper
那人用慵懒的声音进行自我介绍 与Jonathan轻轻握了一下手
我的朋友在这间酒店订了几间房 应该说是很多间 你是不是该做点什么?
他有一口含糊的Belgravia腔 正是那些富得流油的无产阶级惯用的腔调

They had entered each other's private space.

「How very good to see you, Mr. Roper,」 Jonathan murmured, English voice to English voice. 「Welcome back, sir, and poor you, what a perfectly ghastly journey you must have had. Wasn't it rather heroic to venture aloft at all? No one else has, I can tell you. My name's Pine. I'm the night manager.」
招待您是我的荣幸 Roper先生
Jonathan低声道 一场英伦腔之间的对决
欢迎再次光临 很遗憾 听说您的旅程不太顺利 但这场冒险堪称英勇了 我打赌别人肯定做不到 我叫做Pine 是这里的夜班经理

He's heard of me, he thought, waiting. Freddie Hamid told him my name.
他必定听过我的名字了 他想道 等待着暴露的那一刻
Freddie Hamid一定已经把我的名字告诉他了

「What's old Meister up to these days?」 Roper asked, his eyes slipping away to the beautiful woman. She was at the newsstand, helping herself to fashion magazines. Her bracelets kept falling over her hand, while with the other she continually pushed back her hair.
他的眼睛转向身边那位美人 她站在报亭跟前 翻阅着新出的时尚杂志
她的手镯随着她翻书的动作不断滑落 同时她不断用另一只手拨弄自己耳边的头发

「Tucked up with his Ovaltine and a book, is he? Hope it's a book, must say. Jeds, how you doing, darling? Adores magazines. Addict. Hate the things m'self.」
难道盖着他的阿华田和书睡着了?我必须说 但愿那是一本书 亲爱的Jedsx 你在那儿做什么?还是这么爱看杂志 可真是上瘾 我太讨厌这些东西了

It took Jonathan a moment to realise that Jeds was the woman. Not Jed a single man, but Jeds a single woman in all her varieties. Her chestnut head turned far enough to let them see her smile. It was puckish and good-humoured.
过了好一阵子Jonathan才意识到 Jeds正是那个报亭边上的美人
不是一个名叫Jed的单身汉 而是一个名叫Jeds的风情万种的姑娘
她侧了侧脸 从栗色的发间露出一个笑容 俏皮又活泼

「I'm just fine, darling,」 she said bravely, as if she were recovering from a knock.
亲爱的 我在这儿很好
她无畏地说道 仿佛刚从爱人的打击里缓过来

「Herr Meister is unavoidably tied up tonight, I'm afraid, sir,」 said Jonathan, 「but he does enormously look forward to seeing you in the morning when you're rested.」
我恐怕Herr Meister先生今晚有些忙 Jonathan说道
但他一定很期待明早与您见面 等您养足精神之后

「You English, Pine? Sound it.」
你是英国人吗 Pine 听起来像是

「To the core, sir.」
我是个土生土长的英国人 先生

「Wise man.」 The pale gaze wanders away again, this time to the reception desk, where the camel hair coat is filling in forms for Fräulein Eberhardt.
聪明人 那目光再次从他身上移开 落在了前台的桌前 一个穿着驼色毛大衣的人正在为Fräulein Eberhardt填表

「You proposing marriage to that young lady, Corky?」 Roper calls. 「That'll be the day, 」he adds to Jonathan in a lower tone. 「Major Corkoran, my assistant,」 he confides with innuendo.
Corky 你准备向那位年轻的女士求婚吗?Roper喊了一声 你可别妄想了
他转向Jonathan低声道 那是我的助手 Corkoran少校 他半真半假地说道

「Nearly there, Chief!」 Corky drawls, and lifts a camel hair arm.
He has squared his legs and pushed out his r**p like somebody about to play a croquet shot, and there is a tilt to his haunches that, by nature or intent, suggests a certain femininity.
马上就好了 老大 Corky举起一只手打了个招呼 拖着嗓子说道
他岔开腿站着 像准备射球入门那样往前挺了挺下* 腰部微微倾斜出一个弧度 有意无意之中透出一丝阴柔感

A heap of passports lies at his elbow.

「Only got to copy a few names, God's sake. Not a fifty-page contract, Corks.」
天呐Corks 只是让你把名字照抄一遍 又不是要拟一份50页的合同

「It's the new security, I'm afraid, sir,」 Jonathan explains. 「The Swiss police insist. There seems to be nothing we can do.」
很抱歉先生 这是我们酒店新出台的安全条例 Jonathan解释道
瑞士警方坚持要这样做 我们也没有办法不配合

The beautiful Jeds has chosen three magazines but needs more. She has perched one slightly scuffed boot pensively on its long heel, with the toe pointing in the air. Sophie used to do the same. Mid-twenties, Jonathan thinks. Always will be.
美丽的Jeds已经挑好了三本杂志 但她还没有收手的意思
她用有些磨损了的靴子的高高的鞋跟撑着地 脚尖朝着半空中
Sophie曾经也有这样的习惯 她将永远停留在20岁 Jonathan想道

「Been here long, then, Pine? Wasn't here last time round, was he, Frisky? We'd have noticed a stray young Brit.」
你在这儿工作很久了吗 Pine?
上次来这儿的时候还没见过他呢 对吧Frisky?
如果有这样一个年轻又离了群的英国人 我们肯定会注意到

「No way,」 said the blazer, eyeing Jonathan through an imaginary gun slit. Cauliflower ears, Jonathan noticed. Blond hair, going on white. Hands like axheads.
上次没见着他 那个穿夹克的男人仿佛隔着想象中的枪眼那般打量着Jonathan
他有一双花椰菜似的耳朵 Jonathan注意到 金得发白的头发 斧头似的双手

「I make it six months, Mr. Roper, almost to the day.」
我在这儿半年了 Roper先生 算上今天的话

「Where were you before that?」

「Cairo,」 Jonathan replied, light as a spark. 」The Queen Nefertiti.」
开罗 Jonathan回答 他脑海中灵光一闪 Queen Nefertiti酒店

Time passes, like time before a detonation. But the carved mirrors of the lobby do not shatter at the mention of the Queen Nefertiti Hotel, the pilasters and chandeliers hold still.
时间缓缓流逝 如同爆炸前夕的那一刹那 然而大堂的雕刻着花纹的镜子并没有因此而碎裂 壁柱和吊灯依旧如昔

「Likee, did you? Cairo?」

「Loved it.」

「What made you leave the place, then, if you were so high on it?」

「Well, you did, actually. 」
好吧我承认 其实是因为你


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