【Highlight Sports】S05E05

知识 中国传媒大学英语广播台 第385期 2018-11-28 创建 播放:826

介绍: 纵览体坛大事小情 荟萃实战运动技巧 亲临现场独家报导 尽在热血“高光体育”
乘美利坚劲爆篮球风,漫溯大不列颠炫酷足球潮,这是一档只关乎声音的全新体育栏目,Highlight Sports欢迎你的收听!
Weekly Focus---
represented by Trista & Colin
Curry lost a Porsche in a car crash, but the Warriors ended a four-game losing stre...

介绍: 纵览体坛大事小情 荟萃实战运动技巧 亲临现场独家报导 尽在热血“高光体育”
乘美利坚劲爆篮球风,漫溯大不列颠炫酷足球潮,这是一档只关乎声音的全新体育栏目,Highlight Sports欢迎你的收听!
Weekly Focus---
represented by Trista & Colin
Curry lost a Porsche in a car crash, but the Warriors ended a four-game losing streak.
High Light Game---
represented by Matt & Colin
We are bringing you the dramatic game between the Warriors and the Kings during which the winner was not clear enough until the last second. To tell the truth, it is such kind of game that attracts us. So, let’s see how hard the Kings tried and how crazy KD and KT were.
Weekly Foresee---
represented by Molly & Vivien
A comprehensive analysis will be presented to audience, including defending champion, Golden State Warriors and king James in Los Angles. What will happen in the rest season? We will see.
Highlight Sports节目组
制片人:贡嘎旺久 Matt
主播:Colin 韩文轩 Vivien 李文
记者:Cathy 沈可心 Trista 朱艺博 Molly 包新慧 Tom 陈泓哲
后期:Cathy 沈可心 Trista 朱艺博 Molly 包新慧 Tom 陈泓哲
贡嘎旺久 Matt
总后期:Colin 韩文轩
上传:Colin 韩文轩
每周六晚,Highlight Sports期待您的收听~
Every Sunday night, we are waiting for you in Highlight Sports.

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