
知识 英语口语每日养成 @葫芦语言 第495期 2018-05-16 创建 播放:57068

介绍: 【句子】I’m still the outsider that doesn’t get invited to the cool parties, and you’re still the perky cheerleader who thinks that she can pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. 【Desperate Housewives S1E12】
【发音】[aɪm] [stɪl] [ði:] ['aʊt'saɪdə(r)] [ðæt] [ˈdʌz.ənt] [get] [ɪn'vaɪtɪd] [tʊ] [ðə] [ku:l] ['pɑ...

介绍: 【句子】I’m still the outsider that doesn’t get invited to the cool parties, and you’re still the perky cheerleader who thinks that she can pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. 【Desperate Housewives S1E12】
【发音】[aɪm] [stɪl] [ði:] ['aʊt'saɪdə(r)] [ðæt] [ˈdʌz.ənt] [get] [ɪn'vaɪtɪd] [tʊ] [ðə] [ku:l] ['pɑ:rtiz] [ænd] [jɔ:(r)] [stɪl] [ðə] ['pɜ:(r)ki] [ˈtʃɪəˌli:.də(r)] [hu:] [θɪŋks] [ðæt] [ʃi:] [kæn] [pʊl] [ðə] [wʊl] ['əʊvə(r)] [ˈev.ri.wʌnz] [aɪz]
【发音技巧】the的发音;outsider不完全失去爆破;doesn’t get完全失去爆破;that she 不完全失去爆破;
pull the wool over someone's eyes
to blind the true situation 隐瞒事情的真实情况
If someone pulls the wool over your eyes, they try to deceive you, sometimes in order to get an advantage over you.

首先,先来说一下,为什么wool 羊毛 和欺骗有什么关系?
This idiom may refer to a time in the past when judges and other important people wore wigs made of wool. If somebody pulled the wig over their eyes, they were not able to see what was happening.

eg: You can't pull the wool over my eyes. I know what's going on.

eg: It’s no use trying to pull the wool over my eyes. You didn’t go to school again today, did you?

eg: Be prepared for your kids to try to pull the wool over your eyes when they're teenagers.

eg: I just thought he was trying to pull the wool over my eyes to get a better price.

He tried pulling the wool over our eyes by hiding the profits in separate accounts, but we were quick to catch onto his scheme.

BGM: emotional 001 - :-( :-)

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