
知识 frank慢说英语 第103期 2018-04-19 创建 播放:24673

介绍: 敲黑板:加frank老师Wei.Xin:85374510, 入群每天打卡听力与跟读;大家听完用心感受其中场景哦~
词汇:yawn打呵欠 rub 揉 assignment任务、作业 zombie 僵尸common 公共的

介绍: 敲黑板:加frank老师Wei.Xin:85374510, 入群每天打卡听力与跟读;大家听完用心感受其中场景哦~
词汇:yawn打呵欠 rub 揉 assignment任务、作业 zombie 僵尸common 公共的
It’s American horror story. I’m Frank X. The following story is based on a real personal experience.
Simmy Benton had been working non-stop for over 10 hours. She yawned loudly and rubbed her eyes as she hit the ‘Submit’ button on her laptop and mailed in her assignment.She glanced at the clock, it flashed 1:58 AM.“I need to catch some sleep or I'll be late for the morning's class”, she thought to herself.She walked over like a zombie to the common bathroom. Not a single soul was in sight. Everybody in the hostel was asleep. The bathroom looked weird at this hour. Crickets were making a loud noise in the background and trees were rustling outside because of the windy weather.
Simmi leaned against a sink and examined her bloodshot tired eyes. She opened a tap and washed her face with the water. As she patted her face dry with a towel she noticed how suddenly there was complete silence all around. The crickets were silent and the wind had stopped blowing. There was absolutely no sound, except her breathing.And then she heard a faint knock. * Tap Tap Tap* Simmi looked around, but couldn't find the source. It came again, louder this time. * Tap Tap Tap*She jumped as she got goosebumps. Whatever it was, she didn't want to stick around to find out. She ran out of the bathroom and walked quickly towards her room.

She looked around the hallway. It was like she was being followed. She increased her pace, literally ran towards her room, got in and shut the door behind her.Things seemed normal in her room. No silence, no tapping sounds. Simmi breathed a sigh of relief.
“I should really get some sleep. I’m tired and my mind is just playing tricks”, she comforted herself.
She switched off the lights and got inside her bed and made herself comfortable.
She took out her phone and started going through her social media.“Keep your phone away when you sleep. You kids are addicted to social media”, her mother always complained when Simmi was at home.But there was nobody to stop her at the hostel. She loved that.
She glanced at the top left corner of her phone, it was almost 3 AM. Suddenly she heard a voice: “Are you sure you're alone?”
She felt something heavy on top of her body, pressing her down.She couldn't move.
She felt a hand sliding around her arms, It looked like the hand of the dead. Long yellow nails, terrible skin all over it.
Simmi woke up, screaming at the top of her voice.It was just a dream, she realised. She had a nightmare.
She was alive and alone in her room, sweating. It all seemed so real. But she was glad it wasn't.
She rushed out of the bed and got dressed. She hurried out of her room and as she was locking the door, she felt a silence in her. She closed her eyes to calm her nerves when she heard it again -* Tap Tap Tap* This is American horror story. I want to hear from you.You can join us at my wechat(wei xin): “frankinchina” to learn more. See you next week.加入老师的学习群打卡学习吧。插播:Hi,大家好,听歌同时你是否被感动过?最近我听到个新电台叫做听歌学英文,还不错,推荐大家听听看,你总能找到描写自己的那一句歌词。。。。。
背景音乐:The American Horror Story Cast - September Song (from American Horror Story)
编辑,技术制作,语音都是frank 老师,订阅听取更新及课程信息。

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