Night of the Furies

歌手:The Rosebuds


发行公司: Merge Records


Night Of The Furies is the third full-length from The Rosebuds, and will have fans heading for the dance floor with "Get Up Get Out" and "Hold on to This Coat."...

Night Of The Furies is the third full-length from The Rosebuds, and will have fans heading for the dance floor with "Get Up Get Out" and "Hold on to This Coat." however, Night Of The Furies follows a logical progression from their earlier work, 2003's The Rosebuds Make Out (MRG235) and 2005's Birds Make Good Neighbors (MRG264). The danceable beats meld with catchy melodies built on themes both dark and seductive. Thematically, the songs are presented as individual and random parts of a larger story. The mood is ominous yet enticing; dangerous yet enchanting. Lyrics explore revolution and struggle, actions and consequences, but also love and redemption. One could easily just bounce along on the infectious pop hooks. Dig a little deeper, however, and a larger story and unified themes begin to unfold.



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