Fleet Foxes

歌手:Fleet Foxes


发行公司: Sub Pop Records


Ragged Wood is unassuming roots-rock recorded in the Sub Pop way. Now that Band of Horses can be found in car commercials, Sub Pop is prepping the next licensi...

Ragged Wood is unassuming roots-rock recorded in the Sub Pop way. Now that Band of Horses can be found in car commercials, Sub Pop is prepping the next licensing bonanza. There's something more traditional, and purportedly authentic, about Ragged Wood, which is a nicer way of saying that the songs are less gripping than Everything All the Time. When they're not sounding like Band of Horses, the vocal and songwriting approach would fit wonderfully on the interminable second half of It Still Moves, where absolutely nothing grabs your attention. This seems like one of the few times that an independent label has pigeon-holed a band's sound. On the flip side, this album will be a precursor to financial success for the band. For many, this is a niche of music that's only now pouring itself into mainstream. For me (and probably most of the RYM community), there's just so far where this sound can go in the 00s, and it was done already over the past few years.




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