
知识 北京外语广播王牌教学 第1319期 2019-07-17 创建 播放:18671

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Jingjing and Mark work at the same training center, which mainly serves adult students. The center teachers basic English (de...

介绍: 获取今日课堂完整文本,请关注《英语PK台》公众微信号:英语PK台
临时疑问可咨询新浪微博: @京晶am774 @英语PK台

Jingjing and Mark work at the same training center, which mainly serves adult students. The center teachers basic English (delivered by local teachers) and conversational as well as business English (which is delivered by both local and foreign teachers).

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Well, Mark, I'm glad we could sit down and have this meeting.

Mark: Me too, I guess. But let's ----------. I have a class in a couple hours and would like to have plenty of time for lunch.

Jingjing: This should just take a few minutes. So, let's begin. I'd like to start by asking you how you feel about the-----------------------.

Mark: I'm pretty happy here. The students are great. And the center has most of what I need to --------------------- them.

Jingjing: That's good to hear. I'd still like to know what you think about -----------.

Mark: OK, yeah. Well, I think it's pretty good. The students seem to-------- unless you've heard otherwise.

Jingjing: Well, I've been hearing-----------about you. And, as I plan to have this talk with all of the---------, I'm glad to be having this ----------- the others. --------you're receiving, from students after they take your classes, is the best among --------------------at this center.

Mark: Oh, yeah? ----------------------------

Jingjing: Um, Jerry isn't in today. And please don't -----------------------.

Mark: Oh, whoops! I thought he might---------------he glass walls. But, yeah, he's off. Anyway, ----------------------

Jingjing: Thank you. Well, I suppose --------------is for me to ask you what areas you'd like to ----------------, in your teaching.

Mark: Let's see. Well, I'm------------every day. I hope to do better and better. We can all do better, right (?), I mean, by ----------------------the smart board works in each classroom.

Jingjing: I'm sure we'll have a --------------support down the road. Now I'd like to talk some more about your ----------------------------.

Mark: Right-o. And there's also ------------. I mean, if we teachers don't know what classes we'll have -------------—sometimes less than 24 hours before—---------------- turn on the equipment and load the------------ (-----------------verything works, that is).

Jingjing: I hear that. Just to let you know, we are developing------------------- for scheduling. That would allow you to view schedule -------------, and should make it possible for you to see regular ------------------- in advance or earlier.

Mark: Well, we'll be looking forward to that. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?

Jingjing: ...Actually, yes. I wanted to talk with you -------------for improving the lessons you teach: how to keep students-------------------content into each course session.

Mark: Wow, good question. But now, ---------------------. Do you mind if we talk again some other time? I'm thinking ---------------------.

Jingjing: Find me after your classes today, at least to set another time for us to talk.

Mark: ----------------------------

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, I know it's late now. Would you like to ---------------your performance review with me now?

Mark: Oh, is that what this is?

Jingjing: Well, this would be ------------- before I draw up the actual -----------. Is now a good time?

Mark: It might be. How about you-------------, Jingjing? -------------------------

Jingjing: Mark, I wouldn't put it that way. Since you're one ------------------who has been here the longest, I'll--------------- a large number of students ----------------and ask the center for their money back. From corporate, there's ---------------, and using student retention rates as a KPI in the event of any downsizing.

Mark: Wow, ------------------- I hope nobody--------------------

Jingjing: Yes, me too. We're all a little -----------------about it, to be frank.

Mark: Well, -----------------------------------------

Jingjing: The part about closing a center, and downsizing: yes, that --------------------

Mark: 10-4, Jingjing. Hey, you look -----------------. Oh, did you meet with some of the other foreign teachers today?

Jingjing: Yes, and those----------------hat well. We're going to have a bigger meeting tomorrow. But that's you-------------and I won't require you to come in for it.

Mark: Yeah, I plan to go to the ---------------------. Sorry.

Jingjing: That's actually alright. We can talk----------------------- later this week.

Mark: OK. Well, Jingjing, I'm gonna-----------. Are you going soon?

Jingjing: --------------, yes. See you next time.

new words and phrases--

  • 音乐开放平台
  • 云村交易所
  • Amped Studio
  • X StudioAI歌手
  • 用户认证
  • 音乐交易平台
  • 云推歌
  • 赞赏

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