S01E06 you don't know what you've begun- the solids
S01E08 结尾Marsha...
S01E06 you don't know what you've begun- the solids
S01E08 结尾Marshall的mix tape: a walk on cloud nine- Buddha Belly
S01E12 Lily&Marshall婚礼跳舞:Records to your rivals - Garth Michael McDermott
S01E13 TedVictoria最后一舞:Been a Long Time - The Peter Blair Big Band
S02E02 LilyMarshal重逢:Different this time - Tim Huggins&Matt Shultz&一大票其他人
S02E13 Ted当上主管的转变:Both Hands Full - the Eames Era
S03E09 结尾TR说"Major buzzkill": still alright- Adam Merrin
S04E05 Monday-Mikey and the gypses;
S04E07 Song Favourites- Webmusic("it's breakfast time in China");
S04E18 carnival girl-Ramiro Garcia
S05E22 关于Marissa Haller: one spring away - from
S06E12 a perfect Christmas - Vasco
S07E05 a retrospective's bliss- little sur
S07E12 Scott把Marshall困房顶上Got it on - g-bloc;
S08E20 斗舞werk dat booty
S08E21 脱外套fourth degree
S09E01 结尾across the overpass; 29分俄罗斯severny kozachok
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