
知识 外教Karina教你说英语 第2期 2018-02-25 创建 播放:683

介绍: 公众号:MT英语(ID:mtkouyu)


介绍: 公众号:MT英语(ID:mtkouyu)


Welcome to MT English. My name is Karina. Let me introduce myself. I come from Moscow, which is the capital of Russia, the biggest country in the world. I have been living in China for over four years now and I got to China when I graduated from my university in Moscow and I decided to go to Tianjing to study Chinese. Over the past four years, I've been living in variety cities in China such as Shanghai, Tianjing, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. I finally settle down(定居) in Shenzhen because I feel like it's a great city with a great potential.

Me, myself ,I come from Moscow and I will tell you a little bit about Moscow, Shenzhen and Russian and China in comparison(相比之下) today. So I came to Shenzhen three years ago, and I decided to move here because it's a major city in Guang-dong-Province which is also happen to be(恰好) really close to Hongkong. Shenzhen was just a market town of 30,000 of people in 1979. But then, it became a special economic zone(经济特区), the first ever special economic zone in China. And it showed the rapid growth and people from all over China come to Shenzhen.

One of the things I like about Shenzhen is that it's got slogan which goes "来深圳就是深圳人" which translate once you came to Shenzhen, you are from Shenzhen. And so I really love the fact that there are people from all over the country. The most spoken language here is 普通话, which I speak actually, and so it makes the life easier for me here.
我喜欢深圳的其中一个原因就是,"来深圳就是深圳人"这个口号 ,另一表达就是一旦你来了深圳,你就是深圳人。并且我也很喜欢深圳一个现象就是,这里的人们都是来自中国各地的,所以这里主要说的是普通话,也正是我所学的中文。因此更方便我在这里生活。

So one of the things that I also like about Shenzhen is its climate. I really like the tropical(热带的) weather here. Winter is I really mild in here. However, fog is most frequent in winter and spring. It rains a lot if I could compare with Moscow. But at least, it's very hot here. Winter is not that cold and because I've been living in Shenzhen for more than three years I have adjusted to the climate.
气候也是我喜欢深圳的其中一个原因,我真的很喜欢这里的热带气候。深圳的冬天很温和(因为深圳的冬天不太冷)。然而深圳的冬季和春季“雾天”出现得比较频繁。 与莫斯科相比,它的降雨也挺多。但这里夏天也十分炎热。冬天不会太冷。我已经生活在深圳三年多了,我已经适应了这里的气候。

So a little bit about my career in generally. After I've graduated from the university I decided to study Chinese, that's why I decided to come to Beijing and study a three month course that would help me to pass HSK 5. In the mean time, I needed to earn some money on the side(作为兼职) that's why I got an internship with a magazine called "Time of Beijing". This magazine is well-known around the world, because it’s got copies in every big city such as Moscow, London, Sydney and so on. I was placed into marketing ‘department.
接下来,我来大概说说我的职业。大学毕业后,我决定学习中文。为了通过HSK 5,所以我决定来到北京学习了三个月的课程。同时,我需要做兼职赚钱,所以我在一家杂志社“北京时间”实习。这家杂志社在世界各地都很有名,因为它在各类大城市都有发行,莫斯科,伦敦,悉尼等等。而我在实习的时候被分配到了市场部。

But soon I realized that Beijing is really not my city because it's polluted and I just wanted to get down because Beijing is way too similar to Moscow, that's why I came to Shenzhen.

Over the past three years that I've been living in Shenzhen, I've been teaching so I've been with education grow for more three years. I've been in entertainment, I'm singing and I'm managing events. And I'm also helping hospitality industry, such as hotels. So,so far, these three industries, entertainment, education and hospitality. So far, my plan is to stay in Shenzhen, because as we all know, Chinese's economy is growing and more and more foreigners are coming to Shenzhen to take great opportunities that China has to bring.

I hope that you enjoyed my Introduction and I really hope that I can teach you something worthy in the future. Thank you for listening, this was Karina for MT English.
希望大家喜欢以上自我介绍的电台内容,我也真的希望将来能教大家一些有价值的东西。感谢大家的聆听,我是MT 的Karina,谢谢。

1.settle down n.定居
eg.First, we must learn to be quiet, to settle down in one spot for a spell.

2.in comparison相比之下
eg.This one costs more but is cheaper in comparison.

3. happen to be恰好
eg. Please drop in at my office when you happen to be free.

4.special economic zone经济特区

5.tropical adj.热带的
a tropical rainforest 热带雨林

6. adjust to 适应
eg. I have adjusted to the new climate here.

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