Skid Row


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 Skid Row简介

穷街是一支86年成立的美国重金属乐队,在90年代初期grunge浪潮到来之前,skid row的确红极一时。主唱sebastian bach,吉他手scotti hill和dave "snake" sabo,贝司手rachel bolan加上鼓手rob affuso,五个热血金属青年创造出了充满了阳刚之气的音乐。"we stand and we won't fall, we're one and one for all, the writing's on the wall, we are the youth gone wild",这些歌词正是这支乐队的真实写照。在80年代末90年代初短短的时期内,skid row无论是在音乐上还是商业上都取得了非凡的成就。 2022年,全新阵容带领全新专辑《The Gang's All Here》狂野归来! The first rebellion started in 1986. And so the rebellion continues.... Erik Grönwall – vocals Snake Sabo – guitars Scotti Hill – guitars Rachel Bolan – bass Rob Hammersmith – drums


skid row组建于1986年,一个经典专辑纷纷涌现的重金属音乐发展的鼎盛时期。在美国新泽西一家吉他专卖店工作的吉他手dave "snake" sabo遇到了前来买琴的贝司手rachel bolan。出于对摇滚乐的共同爱好,他们开始攀谈并都有了相见恨晚的感觉。bolan此前曾经参加过他的朋友,吉他手scotti hill的乐队,而sabo也曾经是bon jovi的吉他手,此时他正在和鼓手rob affuso一起制作音乐。最终,他们决定介绍自己的搭档给彼此认识,不仅如此,当所有四个人聚在一起的时候,他们正式决定组建 一支全新的乐队,它就是skid row。 此时,摆在他们面前的问题只有一个,那就是没有一个正式的主唱。这个前台人物的选择实在是把rachel bolan他们折磨得够戗,试听了上百个歌手,最终还是无功而返。其实也不是一个没有,matt fallon是一个例外。事实上,他才是skid row的第一任主唱。据说他的嗓音酷似Jon Bon Jovi。不过,他并没有在主唱的位置上呆多久便被开了。正在乐队成员们为主唱人选差点愁白了头的时候,他们得到一个消息:在日前一个音乐制作人的婚庆表演上,一个来自加拿大的年轻歌手唱功极为出色,可谓是技惊四座,这个年轻人就是sebastian bach。于是,抱着试试看的态度,skid row的四个成员给sebastian寄
去了一个他们日常排练时录制的demo。日后,当sebastian回忆起他第一次听到这张小样时的感觉时说道:"刚拿到的时候我并没有抱什么希望它有多么好,但是当我开始听的时候,我对自己说'dammit to hell,this is good!!!'"在得到了sebastian的良好反馈之后,skid row的成员们给他寄去了从加拿大到美国新泽西的全程机票,sebastian自然明白内中含义,加之出于对skid row音乐中那种出乎自然的野性和冲击力的欣赏,sebastian欣然成行,因为他也想把握这个机会。


Erik Grönwall – vocals
Snake Sabo – guitars
Scotti Hill – guitars
Rachel Bolan – bass
Rob Hammersmith – drums


The first rebellion started in 1986.
New Jersey kids, punk and metal attitude, determined to conquer the world. All for one, banded together with single-minded purpose. The battlefield was the stage, the songs their arsenal in an us-against-them musical coup d'état.
Top Ten singles. Gold and multi-platinum sales. No. 1 on the Billboard album chart.The world was theirs, the rebellion won, until there was nothing left to fight for — so they fought each other. Following an ill-advised South American tour in 1996, the band was finished.
But the core camaraderie never died.
 “When we put the band back together, we needed to reintroduce Skid Row as relevant without relying too much on past success,” explains bassist Rachel Bolan. “We wrote songs and hit the road. We sunk our heart and soul into it, letting people know we weren't doing it for lack of anything better to do.” 
Snake Sabo continues, “We seem to be at our best when we're faced with adversity. It's us against the world again — and by us I mean the band and the fans who stick with us and carry the Skid Row torch without fail.”
Now, Skid Row is gearing up to record the final installment of the United World Rebellion trilogy. 
Recording new songs means capturing the signature Skid Row energy for drummer Rob Hammersmith. “That sound and energy is what resonates with people and knocks them on their ass! We have a lot of great ideas to work with, so we're all really excited about this new music.”
As the energy for the new album and tour is reaching fever pitch, enter ZP Theart. “I've been a mad fan of this band since I was a teenager, and to now be a member of Skid Row, is beyond any sense of my imagination!” 
“We'll be hitting the studio to get started on some new material and I'm beyond excited to say the least. This is a whole new deck of cards and there's gonna be no holding back!” Theart adds.
Classic dual-guitar teams are a key component of great songs — K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton. Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson. Dave Murray and Adrian Smith. Add Snake and Scotti Hill to that list. “Playing as a team for over thirty years, our styles are still as unique as our personalities — as unique as our band,” Scotti says. “Combine them together on United World Rebellion - Chapter Three and you have the Skid Row guitar sound.” 
That sound is rambunctious exuberance. They got older, but Skid Row never really grew up. United World Rebellion – Chapter Three is still the youth gone wild, their musical spark still burning gasoline. “I will always be that 16-year-old kid in front of the mirror, pretending to be Ace Frehley or Michael Schenker,” Snake admits. “It's still about writing a great song with your friends, praying it connects with someone. That has never left me. That willfulness will always exist, and there's so much left to say!”
And so the rebellion continues.

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