LEN (Kalm Klown)

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 LEN (Kalm Klown)简介

HELLO!I am LEN!大家好!我是老吴! Influenced by video games soundtracks in his childhood, he began experimenting with electronic music at the age of 14.LEN is a distinct artist who has covered several genres. With over 200 House, Electro, Dubstep, and Future tracks behind him. LEN is now crossing into the INDIE era as well as making unique songs. Chinese producer KALM KLOWN, music producer &DJ. His inspiration comes from a variety of music elements, from hardcore, punk to 1980s pop, and Kalm Klown's music is a mix of melody and synthesizer tones, enough to bring the entire dance floor into a hurricane. 在童年时受电子游戏配乐的影响,他在14岁时开始尝试电子音乐。兰是一位独特的艺术家,他的作品涵盖了多种流派。在他身后有超过200个房子,Electro, Dubstep和Future tracks。兰现在正在跨入独立时代,同时也在创作独特的歌曲。 中国艺人KALM KLOWN,音乐制作人&DJ。他的创作灵感来源于多元化的音乐元素,从硬核,朋克到八十年代的流行乐,Kalm Klown的音乐混杂着旋律和合成器音色,音浪足以将整个舞池引入骚乱。





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